Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Computers and Water

Does anyone know anything about the pipe breaking in the basement of Town Hall in December?
Did it destroy any computer equipment?
Isn't that where the Town's computer equipment is?
Is that the best location?
What would happen if the Town's equipment in the basement got ALL WET?
Does the Town have a Disaster Recover Plan in place for the Town's computer records?
What happened the last time the system crashed? Does anyone remember how much that fiasco cost the Town in terms of manpower to input the information that was lost?
More importantly, isn't that where the MUSHROOM FARMING is done?

1 comment:

  1. I believe it is common, and smart practice for network systems to be located in an environmentally controlled room - temperature and humidity. These rooms also have special fire fighting equipment that if engaged, will not cause harm to electronics.

    The basement probably isn't the best place for network systems....just a thought.
