From CounterCurrents:
If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified
living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to
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Binu Mathew
Secret To Survival: We Need More Honesty, Harmony, And Happiness
By Lionel
three qualities of (HHH), in individuals and therefore society, are the essence
that glues people together under almost all circumstances. The importance of
those assets have for us is due to their compatibility with our genes as they
evolved together harmonising our interaction between ourselves and other
species. Our cooperative approach combine with our body assemblage made us
universally adaptable to live and be master anywhere
Disasters – Ending Congressional Stupor Now!
By Ralph Nader
as it is, climate change has been taken off the table on Capitol Hill. Yes,
there are some bills languishing in the hopper, some statements in the
Congressional Record, but overall for different Democratic and Republican
reasons, Congress has gone AWOL since the energy bill was blocked in the Senate
seven years ago
Did The Shin Bet Just Hack My Computer?
Jonathon Cook
That too
might help to explain the arrogance of ransacking my computer while I looked on.
If they do that to a journalist who has at least the odd feeble tool (like this
blog) to fight back, what are they doing to desperate, vulnerable Palestinians
who need permits to get emergency medical treatment outside Gaza? I think we
know the answer
Full Spectrum Peeping Tomism
By Linh
government that feels itself vulnerable will naturally increase suppression.
Look for a heavy crackdown on voices of dissent as our society becomes more
unstable from the impending financial collapse, and as our economy deteriorates
further from its already wretched condition. That, my fellow targets, is our
true state of the union
Some Reflections On The Last 100 Years
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
been born in 1925, I have personally witnessed almost a whole century of the
history of the Indian subcontinent. The last 100 years was a period of momentous
developments for this part of the world. This period saw the emergence of many
‘towering’ personalities, but in terms of helping the people of the region
progress on constructive lines and in a positive way, they, by and large,
miserably failed
Blood At The Root: Billie Holiday And “Strange
By Mickey Z.
passionate interpretation of “Strange Fruit” introduced white audiences to
powerful images of racism, inequality, and hate crimes… images that were now
impossible to ignore
From Postmodernism To Postsecularism-
Re-emerging Islamic Civilization
By Jim Miles
In his
introduction, Eric Walberg states, “The main purpose of this book is to help the
reader to understand the alternative map which Islam offers.” This is both a
literal and figural map, an alternative to the imperial and neo-colonial
boundaries that divide the Islamic world, and an alternative viewpoint to that
of the imperial driver of capitalism. This offer includes “realigning ourselves
with Nature, and rediscovering humanities’’ spiritual evolutionary
path...without abandoning the vital role of reason.”
The Long Term
Goal of P.A.D.S.
By Mukul Dube
A dozen
or so people met on 20 October 2013 to speak of the recent violence against
Muslims in Muzaffarnagar and to discuss the possibility of preventing such
violence. That was the first meeting of what was named the People's Alliance for
Democracy and Secularism or P.A.D.S. The word “democracy” was added to
“secularism” because it was thought that the forces behind religious violence in
India are essentially fascist; and it follows that there can be no democracy
without secularism
Aam Admi And Dalits
By Rahul
rhetoric of Aam Admi by AAP is limited only to urban upper caste-middle class.
With such an exclusionary ideology and attitude, AAP and its leaders have
already formed a Dalit-Bahujan hostile camp
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