Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fire prompts evacuation at US nuclear waste repository, 'multiple employees' to hospital

From CLG:

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government05 Feb 2014

Previous edition: Christie acknowledges federal subpoena

Looking for Tuesday's CLG Newsletter? NSAssociate Google Relegated 04 Feb 2014 CLG Newsletter to the Spam Bin Posted by Lori Price, 29 Jan 2014 CLG subscribers: If you use Gmail as your email provider, please go to your spam bin to retrieve today's CLG Newsletter. Perhaps Google did not like the subject line: Christie acknowledges federal subpoena. Also included: 9/11 'truther' arrested for hijacking Super Bowl news conference -- I'm sure Google *loved* that one!

Fire prompts evacuation at US nuclear waste repository, 'multiple employees' to hospital 05 Feb 2014 Emergency crews are battling a fire in the U.S. government's underground nuclear waste repository. Officials say a truck hauling salt caught fire about Wednesday morning at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico. The repository takes plutonium-contaminated waste like clothing, tools and other debris from Los Alamos National Laboratory and defence projects. The Carlsbad Current-Argus reports that officials told a press conference the fire occurred on a salt haulage truck in the north mine and "fire suppression systems" immediately activated underground. Nuclear waste is stored in the south mine, officials said.

Fukushima radiation wash-up to hit US coast this year 05 Feb 2014 Seaborne radiation from Japan's wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant will wash up on the West Coast of the US this year. That's raising concerns among some Americans including the residents of the San Francisco Bay Area city of Fairfax, California, which passed a resolution on December 6 calling for more testing of coastal seafood. Between May 2011 and August 2013, as many as 20 trillion becquerels of cesium-137, 10 trillion becquerels of strontium-90 and 40 trillion becquerels of tritium entered the ocean via groundwater, according to Tokyo Electric.

NSA spied on Germany's Schroeder over Iraq War opposition - report --Paper: NSA spying involved not only detection of connection data but also written and spoken communications 04 Feb 2014 The US eavesdropped on former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder over his staunch criticism of the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, says a new report by German journalists. Schroeder was added to the NSA espionage targets list as number 388 by 2002, Munich daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung and NDR revealed in their reports on Tuesday. Media quoted unnamed US government officials and "NSA insiders" who saw Snowden documents.

Reports: NSA first targeted German Chancellor Schröder, then Merkel A joint report by a major German newspaper and regional broadcaster has said that the National Security Agency tapped the telephone communications of former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, before Angela Merkel. 04 Feb 2014 The Süddeutsche Zeitung daily and the NDR regional public broadcaster on Tuesday reported that US secret services began monitoring the communications of German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder no later than 2002. The publications reported that Schröder was number 388 on the "National Sigint Requirements List" of people whose communications should be monitored. Citing multiple US government sources and NSA insiders, the outlets said that Social Democrat Schröder's public opposition to invading Iraq - and fears of a split within the NATO defense alliance as a result - was the primary reason to begin monitoring his communications.

Heads up! A big fat false flag might be in the works: Assault on California Power Station Raises Alarm on Potential for Terrorism --'Nobody has been arrested or charged in the attack at Metcalf transmission substation.' [That's because, in all likelihood, the same military contractors that carried out the Boston bombings are the same busy little terrorist bees, executing a dry run for the(ir) power grid attack.] 04 Feb 2014 The attack began just before 1 a.m. on April 16 last year, when someone slipped into an underground vault not far from a busy freeway and cut telephone cables. Within half an hour, snipers opened fire on a nearby electrical substation. Shooting for 19 minutes, they surgically knocked out 17 giant transformers that funnel power to Silicon Valley. A minute before a police car arrived, the shooters disappeared into the night. [Obviously, they were tipped off.] One former federal regulator is calling it a terrorist act that, if it were widely replicated across the country, could take down the U.S. electric grid and black out much of the country.

First human death from H10N8 bird flu reported 04 Feb 2014 An elderly woman in China is the the first person known to have died from a novel reassortant strain of influenza A H10N8, according to researchers... The 73-year-old patient presented with fever and was admitted to the hospital on Nov. 30, 2013, where she developed multiple organ failure and died nine days after onset of illness. In the tracheal aspirate specimen obtained seven days after illness onset, a novel reassortant avian influenza A H10N8 virus was isolated. Sequence analyses found that all genes of the virus were of avian origin, and six internal genes were from avian influenza A H9N2 viruses.

As Super Bowl exits NJ, taxpayers on hook for many expenses 04 Feb 2014 The NFL pays nothing for security. It’s right there in the bid contract, which was obtained by The Star-Ledger. So who pays for the 700 state troopers who patrolled the game and circled overhead in two choppers? ...The NFL bid contract forbids host states from collecting s-les t-x on ticket sales, parking, etc... With their military flyovers, stars and stripes electronic banners and armed forces color guards, the NFL constantly wraps itself in the American flag. But as a nonpr-fit corporation, they pay no federal t-xes. Nothing for defense. Nothing for veterans' benefits.

Some 300 rallies held in US after State Dept. green-lights Keystone XL 04 Feb 2014 As many as 300 candlelight vigils in cities across the US were scheduled for Monday night, as those in protest of the Keystone XL pipeline urged President Obama to ultimately reject the project that will ship tar sands oil from western Canada to Texas. Thousands of peaceful demonstrators showed their opposition to the 1,179-mile pipeline that would move high-carbon tar sands oil through the heart of the United States, from western Canada to a hub in Nebraska, where it would then connect with other existing pipelines to deliver 800,000 barrels of crude oil a day to refineries in Texas. Opponents of Keystone XL say that, in addition to the carbon-intensive impact that results from the extraction of tar sands that will only worsen the effects of climate change global warming, the pipeline will also put communities nearby at risk of oil spills and their subsequent fallout.

California drought: State Water Project will deliver no water this summer 31 Jan 2014 For the first time in its 54-year history, the State Water Project, a backbone of California's water system, will provide no water to urban residents or farmers this year because of the severe drought, state officials said Friday. Silicon Valley and parts of the East Bay -- particularly residents of Livermore, Pleasanton and Dublin, who receive 80 percent of their water each year from the State Water Project -- will feel the impact the most in the Bay Area... Last year was the driest in the state's recorded history back to 1850.

Monarch butterflies drop, migration may disappear 31 Jan 2014 The stunning and little-understood annual migration of millions of Monarch butterflies to spend the winter in Mexico is in danger of disappearing, experts said Wednesday, after numbers dropped to their lowest level since record-keeping began in 1993. Their report blamed the displacement of the milkweed the species feeds on by genetically modified crops and urban sprawl in the United States, extreme weather trends [aka global warming] and the dramatic reduction of the butterflies' habitat in Mexico due to illegal logging of the trees they depend on for shelter.

Vladimir Putin gets cosy with snow leopard --'We liked each other...I like animals.' 04 Feb 2014 Russian president Vladimir Putin plays with a rare and endangered snow leopard in an animal reserve in Sochi to promote the regeneration of their population. The total wild population has been estimated at 4,510 to 7,350. The snow leopard is one of the three mascots of the Sochi Winter Olympics, along side the polar bear and the hare. (Video)


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