Saturday, February 8, 2014

Koch Attack Ads Beginning via Front Group, Americans for Prosperity

Alan Grayson has been one of the out-spoken heroes in Washington, speaking for the people, defining the damage of special interests.

Congressman Grayson is being targeted by the Extremist Koch Brothers.

Take the time to view the 'Koch Brothers Exposed' before you vote against your best interests because of misinformation.

It is widely known that the Dirty Energy Koch Brothers seek to fund and promote their extremist agenda through front groups that allow the Kochs to conceal their funding.

Don't buy it!

Support candidates for office who defend Americans.

AFP drops another $400,000 in Fla., including first attack on Grayson

By Matea Gold
February 6

Americans for Prosperity is intensifying the pressure on congressional Democrats by launching yet another round of TV commercials in Florida Thursday, expanding its anti-Obamacare campaign into a new House district.

The conservative advocacy group plans to announce that it will spend nearly $400,000 running ads hitting Reps. Alan Grayson and Joe Garcia for backing President Obama’s health-care law. AFP had already spent about $140,000 on ads against Garcia in November, but the buy against Grayson – for now, just online – is the group’s first swipe at the outspoken Democrat this cycle.

“President Obama told the lie of the year,” says a female narrator in the Grayson ad, referring to the president’s pledge that people would be able to keep their health insurance plans if they liked them.

“And Congressman Grayson backed him up.”

The spot includes a clip of Grayson saying, “Everyone will love this bill.”

The narrator concludes, “Tell him his vote for Obamacare is hurting Florida families.”

AFP, the main political arm of a donor network backed by the billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch, has spent more than $27 million since August on spots that challenge vulnerable Senate and House Democrats for their support of Obama’s controversial health-care legislation. In doing so, it has cemented its role as the dominant player in the 2014 midterms, and the GOP’s most valuable ally. As a tax-exempt "social welfare" group, AFP is not required to disclose its financial backers, as political committees must.

“These ads are really part of a wall-to-wall effort that Americans for Prosperity has led for five years in opposition to Obamacare,” Slade O'Brien, AFP’s Florida state director, said in a statement. “From writing Congress, to grassroots rallies and educational events, to radio and television campaigns, our members have stood in opposition to this law from every angle. Reps. Garcia and Grayson both know the President told the 'Lie of the Year,' but they're still supporting the Obamacare mess and all the attendant pain it inflicts on patients.”

To paraphrase Vice President Joe Biden, this is a "big freaking deal." It's only February, and the Koch Brothers are already up on the air, with hundreds of thousands of dollars in attack ads. They are running ads against me, in my district, right now. No joke. Read about it here.

We are going to be in a tough fight this year. That's why I need you to fight back now. Please give our campaign $25 NOW, to help us fight back against the Koch Brothers.

In 2010, our opponents spent more money attacking me than any other Democrat in the House -- anywhere, ever. And guess what? They succeeded. They won, and we lost. I was out of Congress. And our voice was silenced.

Now, we're back. But they're trying to silence our voice once again. Will you let them? Or will you kick in $25 or more, right now, to help us fight back?

Think about it. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of attack ads. NINE MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION. From corporate crooks who have been called the worst polluters in America. These polluters-in-chief have pockets as deep as the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill, and hearts as black as the foul muck that washed ashore. Like an oil slick, they will stop at nothing.

But I can't turn to the Washington lobbyists or power-brokers to bail me out. They won't help me, because they can't buy me. They know that I stand up for you, instead. All of the special interests want nothing more than to beat us and silence us. The question is, will you let them?

If this ad disgusts you as much as it disgusts me, please, kick in $25 now.

We can get through this, but only with your help.

It's "Game On." Are you in the game?


Rep. Alan Grayson

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Paid for and Authorized by the Committee to Elect Alan Grayson

If you cherish your freedom and privacy, and if you don't want the government spying on your emails, telephone records, or website records, then please tell your elected officials to support Congressman Alan Grayson's 'Mind Your Own Business Act.'

The 'Mind Your Own Business Act' is a commonsense step that would prohibit the Department of Defense from using funds to collect this personal information from an American citizen in the US withou...t probable cause of a terrorism offense or an offense within the jurisdiction of the Defense Department.

Innocent Americans should not be treated like terrorists by their own government. The Mind Your Own Business Act is a reasonable step to help protect our privacy and keep us safe, and we need to support it.

Tell your elected officials to support Congressman Alan Grayson's 'Mind Your Own Business Act.'

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