Friday, February 7, 2014

No Wonder the World Is Terrified of America - We're the Biggest Threat

From RSN:

Noam Chomsky | No Wonder the World Is Terrified of America - We're the Biggest Threat
Author, historian and political commentator Noam Chomsky. (photo: Ben Rusk/flickr)
Noam Chomsky, AlterNet
Chomsky writes: "Can the United States be contained and other nations secured in the face of the U.S. threat?"

Pratap Chatterjee | Selling Your Secrets
Pratap Chatterjee, TomDispatch
Chatterjee writes: "As we now know, the NSA was, among many other things, gathering the phone 'data' of every American and storing it for future use. In other words, after some forethought, the director perjured himself."

Greenwald Will "Force the Issue" and Visit US
Brian Beutler, Salon
Beutler reports: "When big-name public figures and Edward Snowden critics first started suggesting Glenn Greenwald and other writers who'd published his surveillance disclosures might be in legal jeopardy, Greenwald assumed that both the clamor and the actual risk to journalists would quickly subside."

Amy Goodman | The Sochi Olympics, From Putin and the Plutocrats to Pussy Riot
Amy Goodman, Truthdig
Goodman writes: "The Sochi Olympic Games are rightly highlighting the constellation of abuses that have become standard in Russia under Vladimir Putin. Most notably is intense, often violent homophobia."

Juan Cole | Republicans Poised to Take Senate, Americans Reject Their Platform
Juan Cole, Informed Comment
Cole writes: "A lot of political analysts think it is entirely possible that the Republicans will take the senate next November. This development won't change much, in all likelihood, if it does occur."

Al Franken | The Internet Strikes Back
Al Franken, Reader Supported News
Franken writes: "In case you need a reminder: Net neutrality is in trouble because a federal judge stopped rules from going into effect that would have made sure that the Internet stays free and open to us all."

Suzanne Goldenberg | Fracking Is Depleting Water Supplies in America's Driest Areas
Suzanne Goldenberg, Guardian UK
Goldenberg reports: "America's oil and gas rush is depleting water supplies in the driest and most drought-prone areas of the country, from Texas to California, new research has found."

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