Wednesday, June 11, 2014

RSN: Billionaires, Republicans United in Denial, Supreme Court Orders BP to Pay Up, et al

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Charles Pierce | The Bowtied Monster (George Will)
Washington Post columnist George Will. (photo: ABC News)
Charles Pierce, Esquire
Pierce writes: "Today, at Hiatt's House Of Hacks, George Will is someone who has nothing better to do than mock the current movement on America's campuses to try and cope with the problems of rape and sexual assault, and trolling its victims while jacking it into his dogeared copy of Bartlett's."

Jeffrey Toobin | Billionaires, Republicans United in Denial
Jeffrey Toobin, The New Yorker
Toobin writes: "Remember when climate change could be a bipartisan issue? Newt Gingrich and Nancy Pelosi did an advertisement together, boasting of their partnership on the challenge it posed. John McCain also believed that man-made climate change was an urgent problem. Now it's virtually impossible to find any leading Republicans, including potential Presidential candidates, who will agree without equivocation."

The Region's Scariest Terrorist Group Now Controls Iraq's Second Largest City
Hayes Brown, ThinkProgress
Brown writes: "A terrorist group that al Qaeda has deemed too radical and unpredictable now controls the second largest city in Iraq as of Tuesday, commanding the airport, government headquarters, and prisons, in a dramatic turn of events that Iraqi officials are calling a threat to the entire region."

Tom Engelhardt | Post-9/11 US Foreign Policy: A Record of Unparalleled Failure
Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch
Engelhardt writes: "The United States has been at war - major boots-on-the-ground conflicts and minor interventions, firefights, air strikes, drone assassination campaigns, occupations, special ops raids, proxy conflicts, and covert actions - nearly nonstop since the Vietnam War began. That's more than half a century of experience with war, American-style."

The Only 'Privilege' Afforded to Campus Rape Victims Is Actually Surviving
Jessica Valenti, Guardian UK
Valenti writes: "Rape victims get called a lot of things. Sometimes it's 'slut.' For the 11-year-old gang rape victim in Texas, it was that she was a 'spider' luring men into her web. It's not all bad, though - thanks to anti-violence activists, those who have been attacked also get called 'survivors' and 'brave.' The last word I ever expected to hear to describe a rape victim is 'privileged.'"

The One Thing Obama Didn't Say About Student Loan Repayment
Anya Kamenetz, National Public Radio
Kamenetz writes: "Pay As You Earn has been around since 2012. It's inspired by the higher ed finance systems in countries like Australia, where university students pay nothing upfront and a percentage of their income after graduation."

Supreme Court Orders BP to Pay Up
Lindsay Abrams, Salon
Abrams writes: "BP's proven that it can and will continue to fight to keep from paying settlement fees to businesses that lack definitive proof that they've suffered economic losses from the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill."

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