Friday, September 5, 2014

Bravo! Cape Wind is on its way

Cape Wind is on its way

But America is trailing in the race to become energy independent
To the Editor:

Throughout the world, countries have been investing in renewable energy because with population growth, diminishing natural resources,and the proven link between fossil fuel emissions and climate change, it is really the only option.

After having spent a year in Europe pursuing my Master’s degree in Environmental Science, it is clear that America is trailing in the race to become energy independent. Europe began implementation of this offshore wind farm resource 23 years ago and currently has 64 different farms. It is an industry that employs 58,000 people.

On a whole, I found that northern European attitudes are more positive towards sustainability and clean energy and I am hopeful that these attitudes shadowed political shifts and the implementation of renewable energy on a large scale.

US policy makers are finally responding to the decades ofwork done by climate scientists. Obama’s recent EPA Plan to cut carbon emissions by 30% by the year 2030 is a step in the right direction.

Additionally, there is a stipulation to curb atmospheric particle pollution, nitrogen oxides andsulfur dioxide by more than 25%.

The IPCC Report released in early 2014 highlighted the magnitude of future risks associated with various regulatory response actions to climatechange. While the environmental damage that has been done since the onset of the Anthropocene cannot be reversed,steps to mitigate and reduce current emissions are pivotal in leaving behind a clean and inhabitable Earth.

As the green movement throughout America picks up speed, the number of jobs that will be created should be immense. It takes a multidisciplinary approach to create effective environmental management and remediation plans. More companies will be taking financial risks to get ahead in the renewable energy business and hopefully a lot of environmental studies will be funded throughout the country.

Cape Wind is a proven leader in this field it is an exciting time to be a resident of Cape Cod.

Now,with the ball rolling towards the financing and planning stages of wind farm construction, future generations of Americans will read about these years in history books and feel pride and appreciation for the perseverance of Jim Gordon and his Cape Wind team, pioneers in American offshore renewable energy.

Just this summer, a large area off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard was opened up for commercial wind farm leases and Massachusetts is making serious progress towards becoming Deval Patrick’s “hub of offshore wind energy.”

Now that all of the legal and political hurdles are in the past, offshore wind energy in Massachusetts represents the future. Everyone that looks forward to their summer week in Cape Cod will now be able to add a new tradition and take a Hy-Line ecotour around the wind farm and see firsthand an example of how we can mitigate climate change.

Kate Hanrahan
Centerville, MA

Kate Hanrahan, 25, has a BS in Environmental Science from UConn 2012 and an MS in Environmental Science from Trinity College of Dublin 2014.

(An artist's conception of the type of tour boat Hy-Line Cruises will be employing to take visitors to view the Cape Wind farm. CC Today art.)


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