Friday, October 2, 2015

Here's who invited Kim Davis to meet the pope

Dear Faithful America member,
After days of speculation, the truth has finally come out: Pope Francis did not hold a private meeting to express his support for Kim Davis's efforts to block gay marriage licenses.
According to an official Vatican statement, Kim Davis was among "several dozen persons" attending a reception at the Vatican embassy, "the pope did not enter into the details of the situation," and "his meeting with her should not be considered a form of support."
Moreover, it seems that the pope did not request Kim Davis be invited.
According to press reports, one man was likely responsible for Davis's invitation: Carlo Maria Vigano, a conservative church official who was appointed by Pope Benedict as Vatican ambassador to the United States (formally called the "apostolic nuncio").
Having created an opportunity for right-wing evangelicals to dishonestly hijack the message of the pope's visit to the United States, Vigano must now resign.
Many of us were upset and confused when the news broke that Pope Francis had met with Kim Davis -- especially given how she and her lawyers misrepresented what actually happened at the Vatican embassy.
While Pope Francis has continued to promote conservative teachings on marriage and family, he has also advocated for a more compassionate and welcoming church that advocates for the poor and socially marginalized.
But the Catholic Church is a complex and global institution, and not all decisions are made by the pope. Pope Francis has replaced a number of conservative officials -- many of them American -- who have undermined his leadership and vision for the church, but it wouldn't be reasonable for him to remove everyone appointed by previous popes.
Carlo Maria Vigano was appointed apostolic nuncio by Pope Benedict, and there have been indications before that he and Pope Francis are not on the same page. For example, earlier this year Francis forced Kansas City Bishop Robert Finn to resign after Finn was convicted of covering up clergy sexual abuse. Despite this, Vigano allowed Finn to continue ordaining priests until a new bishop was appointed.
Vigano was almost certainly involved in inviting Kim Davis to the Vatican embassy reception where she met with Pope Francis, and he may even have acted alone. Either way, he has no business continuing to serve as Francis's official representative to the United States.
- Michael

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