Thursday, May 12, 2016

I'm with Hillary. I'm with her.

I'm with Hillary. I'm with her.

I don't care if she voted for the War in Iraq. I don't care if she encouraged other members of Congress to vote for the war by stating it was a good business opportunity. Afterward she said it was a mistake and she's sorry for that. It doesn't matter that we spent $5.5 trillion dollars and killed hundreds of thousands of people in the process. It doesn't matter that the war did nothing to curb terrorism, but instead only created more terrorists and increased the incidence of worldwide terrorism. It doesn't matter because I'm with her.

I don't care if she accepts money from super pacs. It doesn't matter that she made exorbitant amounts of money from paid speeches to major corporations. It doesn't matter if these funds cause her to favor the welfare of corporations over people. It doesn't matter if it causes her to choose war over peaceful alternatives in order to bolster the profits of our military industrial complex. It doesn't matter if it causes her to relax regulations on big oil which further contaminates our water and our air. It doesn't matter if she compromises our commitment to renewable energy and diminishes our effort to address climate change. It doesn't matter because I'm with her.

I don't care if she advocates worldwide fracking. It doesn't matter that scientists consider this harmful to our environment and a major contributor to climate change. It doesn't matter because I'm with her.

I don't care if she allows the medical and pharmaceutical industries to overcharge for their products and services. It doesn't matter that it places a financial strain on people who suffer life-threatening ailments. It doesn't matter that it often causes their families to go bankrupt. It doesn't matter because I'm with her.

I don't care if she and her husband passed the Omnibus Bill and Three Strikes You're Out. It doesn't matter that these policies helped to privatize prisons which led to the incarceration of numerous young adults for petty crimes. It doesn't matter that these folks are charged with felonies and find it difficult to obtain good jobs after serving unwarranted prison terms. It doesn't matter that their families are made to suffer as well. It doesn't matter because I'm with her.

I don't care if she and her husband pushed for and adopted Welfare Reform that allowed states to redistribute funds that would have otherwise gone toward food stamps and low-income housing. It doesn't matter that it caused hundreds of thousands of children to go without food and proper shelter. It doesn't matter because I'm with her.

I don't care if she and her husband repealed Glass-Steagall. It doesn't matter that it caused the economic crash of 2008. It doesn't matter that the crash was caused by corrupt business practices. It doesn't matter that the executives responsible for it were not charged with crimes. It doesn't matter that the bailout cost taxpayers billions of dollars. It doesn't matter that property values plummeted and good people ended up foreclosing on their homes. It doesn't matter because I'm with her.

I don't care if Hillary and her husband promoted NAFTA, CAFTA, and TPP. It doesn't matter that these trade agreements served only to give corporations more power over common people. It doesn't matter that they have kept wages low and sent millions of jobs outside the U.S. It doesn't matter that they have caused working families to see their purchase power significantly decrease over the past 25 years. It doesn't matter that they have caused young adults to find it increasingly more difficult to purchase homes and manage their lives without extreme debt. It doesn't matter because I'm with her.

I don't care if there is a candidate out there who opposed all these things. It doesn't matter that this candidate has fought to keep money out of politics. It doesn't matter that this candidate has fought to limit the power of corporations over people. It doesn't matter that this candidate consistently stands up and fights for the oppressed. It doesn't matter that he is consistently on the right side of causes, even when those causes are unpopular. It doesn't matter. No, it doesn't matter because I'm with her.


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