Thursday, July 14, 2016

This & that....

  • ~ They Thought We Were Pawns ~
    Something interesting I've noticed with strong Hillary supporters. Many are freaking out! Why? Because the great majority of us (who have stuck with Bernie to this point) did NOT just suddenly flip over like puppy dogs and pledge allegiance to Hillary.
    They thought that if Bernie endorsed her, we would endorse her. That we would start to send her our money as we had sent it to him. And now they're in a panic...
    Cause for them its the DEMOCRATIC PARTY that we must give our allegiance to, and Hillary is the Queen Bee. They "captured" our King and thought we would follow along like good sheep. Cause that's what they would do.
    What they don't understand is that Bernie has been telling us since day one to think for ourselves, and not just follow him. This is not about "him" its about all of us listening to our own wisdom, and that we are ALL leaders too.
    That's been Bernie's message his whole life, and why he never joined the Democratic Party until last year. He has always thought for himself, forming alliances, but staying Independent.
    They're freaking that many of us are now supporting Jill and the Green Party. The Dems gave Bernie concessions, they made promises that sounded Progressive, cause there was this huge crowd with Bernie (with pockets full of cash) that they thought he was "bringing to the party." That we would be assimilated...
    But instead, we're still standing outside, millions walking away, turning our backs on them. Think about it, this was brilliant on Bernie's part, he helped prepare us to be independent and stay independent.
    To understand that if he walks into a trap and allows the Queen to capture him, we don't have to and should NOT follow. That unlike her followers, we are not pawns.
    And our resistance is NOT futile...

She is a scumbag. That is, she is an old bag full of scum!

 Andrew Carter's post.
Read The Real Problem in America: Assholes Like Rudy Giuliani

The Real Problem in America: Assholes Like Rudy Giuliani

Giuliani's views on black crime and the black community almost perfectly illustrates why America is such a racialized and divided society.

JUL 11, 2016

The self proclaimed hero of 9/11 and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has a message for black America: 
Your deaths at the hands of the police are your own fault. 
During an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation over the weekend, Giuliani stated that other black people are the "real danger" to the black community. 
“If I were a black father, and I was concerned with the safety of my child, really concerned about it and not in a politically activist sense, I would say, ‘Be very respectful of the police," said Giuliani to host John Dickerson."Most of them are good. Some can be very bad. And just be very careful.”
“I’d also say, be very careful of those kids in the neighborhood and don’t get involved with them because, son, there’s a 99 percent chance they’re going to kill you, not the police," he went on. 
"And we’ve got to hear that from the black community. And what we’ve got to hear from the black community is how and what they are doing among themselves about the crime problem in the black community.”
Astonishingly, Giuliani also had the temerity to call the Black Lives Matter movement "inherently racist", apparently implying the black community has no right to protest their own slaughter -- a truly revolting statement that we have sadly come to expect from assholes like Rudy Giuliani.  
Because we should of course forget about the 116 black people killed by law enforcement officers this year alone. We should also actively ignore the ProPublica investigation that found that young black men are shot dead by police at 21 times the rate of young white men. Instead, we need powerful white men lecture the black community on what is good for them. Because what do facts matter when your racist ideology doesn't conform to them?
Giuliani's views on black crime and the black community almost perfectly illustrates why America is such a racialized and divided society. Unable to see anything in context, Giuliani blames African Americans for the predicament they find themselves in after centuries and centuries of legalized discrimination, persecution and murder. The notion that blacks in America simply need to "get their act together" is a popular one in white conservative circles, because it conveniently exonerates them from any responsibility they may bear in creating the crime ridden communities they condemn so readily.
You don't need to be particularly well versed in history to understand just how badly African Americans have had it in their own country. The simple fact that they didn't have equal voting rights until 50 years ago, and despite supposed equal economic opportunity, are on average almost 13 times poorer than white families should say it all. 
American wealth was largely built on the back of free African slave labor -- a debt white America has never, ever paid back. Instead, white America incarcerates blacks at a greater rate than any other minority, putting more black men in jail than there were slaves in 1850. African Americans are still discriminated against in almost every aspect of American life, yet Giuliani thinks these problems are their own doing, and the brutality doled out to them by the police for their own good. 
But what exactly would he know? Giuliani has always displayed the self awareness of an amoeba, so his opinion on the lives of African Americans are worth about as much as his views on this year's presidential election -- absolutely nothing.  
Instead of lecturing African Americans on what is good for them, perhaps Giuliani should start listening to them instead. He would of course come to learn what civilized people already do: that he is the real problem in America, not the other way around.

Gary Holmes's photo.

We want no part of her sulfurous fumes.
"Hillary Clinton, the annointed candidate, along with the Democratic establishment, are corporate globalists. Bernie is a populist nationalist. They disagree on NAFTA and the TPP, they disagree on trade, they disagree on Iraq and military interventions, on Libya, on Syria, they disagree on Wall Street influence, they disagree on campaign finance, they disagree on SuperPACs. They disagree on almost everything. Yet Bernie chose to run within the Democratic party even as he ran against it. The system was against him. The superdelegates were against him. The debate schedule was against him. The DNC was against him. It’s no surprise that he lost, although he came closer to winning than anyone predicted."

Bernie Sanders made a Faustian bargain to run for President in the 
Democratic party. It wasn’t an easy fit. Hillary Clinton, the annointed 
candidate, along with the Democratic establishment, are 
corporate globalists. Bernie is a populist…

It is indeed! In this case the definition of the term(s) FOUNDATION and/or CHARITY = TAX-FREE MONEY-LAUNDERING (FAMILY AFFAIR) MACHINE! If the FBI DOES NOTHING on this one our political system is in much more distress than I ever imagined. ‪#‎BernieorBust‬ ‪#‎StillSanders‬

Corruption: The Clinton Foundation's questionable money dealings 
have raised eyebrows for years. Now, a letter circulating in 
Congress alleges that the Clinton

David Sirota OPENS THE FLOOD GATES ON THE "FOUNDATION"!! Why did I not see this in May? Who knew about this? ‪#‎StillSanders‬‪#‎BernieorBust‬

Under Hillary Clinton, the State Department approved $165 
billion worth of…

This made me LOL
Kacey Carpenter to Bernie Sanders Activists

I created this meme.... I just couldn't help myself.... 😈

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