Thursday, June 6, 2019

Don Jr. retweets Stefan Molyneux, the famously misogynistic white nationalist who thinks women are the root of all evil

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Don Jr. retweets Stefan Molyneux, the famously misogynistic white nationalist who thinks women are the root of all evil

 MAY 20, 2019

By David Futrelle
Sunday night Donald Trump Jr. retweeted a transphobic tweet from someone long familiar to readers of this blog: the racist, woman-hating YouTube “philosopher” Stefan Molyneux, whom the Southern Poverty Law Center describes, accurately, as an “alleged cult leader who amplifies ‘scientific racism,’ eugenics and white supremacism to a massive … audience.”
Molyneux, who first caught my attention more than five years ago for his open and often quite extravagant misogyny, has now taken to advocating straight-up white nationalism, albeit in euphemistic terms. While he doesn’t spew slurs like some of his alt-right brethren, he talks endlessly about allegedly intractable racial differences in IQ.
In one recent tweet, he asserted that
the devolution of the US from an Enlightenment Republic to a semi-banana republic … has a lot to do with racialIQ demographics esp permanent low Hispanic IQ
He’s repeated his claims about “permanant low Hispanic IQ” numerous times.
He has similar feelings about sub-Saharan Africans. In one tweet he accused those he feels are “ginning up racial hatred” against whites in South Africa of potentially killing off everyone in that country because, in his imagined scenario, “the blacks will kill the whites and/or drive them off. Then the blacks will starve” because, with their “Avg IQ low 70s” they will be too stupid to survive on their own.
He has, well, interesting thoughts on white women who marry the descendants of sub-Saharan Africans:

It did strike me that this relentless propaganda for “white women with black men“ would serve to lower the average IQ of the offspring.

You don’t see nearly as much “white women with East Asian men,” whose offspring would tend to have higher IQs on average.


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And he has many other thoughts about the allegedly insidious effects of “racial IQ differences” on western — “white” — countries.

The housing crash resulted from refusing to talk about racial IQ differences.

Disparities in racial rates of home ownership were ascribed to racism, and banks were forced to make loans to unqualified minorities.

This destroyed the lives of millions of blacks/hisp.

We must talk

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In America, fewer than 10% of Hispanics have graduated from college with a bachelors degree.

In California, a THIRD of Mexican-American males aged 18 to 24 say they have been arrested, and one in five has been jailed.

IQ is horribly predictable.

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His now infamous take on the Iraq war is truly galaxy-brained:

If we had been allowed to talk about race and IQ, the invasion of Iraq would never have occurred, because no one would have been under the illusion that a Jeffersonian Republic was going to emerge from a population with an IQ in the 80s.

Opposing science got >500k people killed.

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And if you don’t believe him, he may just have to get out his calipers!

Molyneux is convinced that “[m]ass immigration from the third world” is causing “falling Western IQ,” along with many other social ills, and has repeatedly fellow whites about what he thinks is a vast conspiracy to “replace” western whites with brown people from poorer countries — directly echoing the rhetoric of the neo-Nazis chanting “you will not replace us” in Charlottesville.

The Irish government:

1. We really need to reduce our environmental impact

2. We’re going to import a million people from the third world, so we’re going to need over half a million new houses

“Environmentalism” is a codeword for population replacement.

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He also frets aloud about what he sees as a terrible shortage of white babies:

Including children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, the average American woman will have 14 descendants.

The average African woman will have 258.

We all know what is coming.

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White birthrates are already far below replacement levels.

Whites are already a small minority in the world.

If you are still nagging white people about having fewer children due to overpopulation, just drop the mask and admit the truth:

You hate whites.

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He’s also indignant that people look askance at racists crowing about the alleged superiority of “white culture” — that is, white people.
But as shitty as his racism is, we shouldn’t forget that Molyneux, a self-described Men’s Rights Activist who was once a featured speaker at a convention organized by Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, is also a huge misogynist.
Indeed, he has repeatedly argued that it is women who are ultimately responsible for all the evil in the world. Sure, he acknowledges, there are men who do evil things — but the blame for their evil, he thinks, should rest at the hands (and the vaginas) of the women who bore them and most likely raised them.
He spelled this out in some detail in a ranting video several years ago — arguing that if women didn’t choose shitty men to have children with the world would be a wonderful place.
Women who choose the assholes will … fucking end this human race. … Women who choose assholes guarantee child abuse. Women who choose assholes guarantee criminality, sociopathy. Politicians, all the cold-hearted jerks who run the world came out of the vaginas of women who married assholes.
And I don’t know how to make the world a better place without holding women accountable for choosing assholes. … Women … keep the evil of the species going by continually choosing these guys.
If being an asshole didn’t get women, there would be no assholes left. If women chose nice guys over assholes we would have a glorious and peaceful world in one generation. Women determine the personality traits of the men because women choose who to have sex with, and who to have children with, and who to expose those children to. …
Stop fucking monsters and we get a great world. Keep fucking monsters, we get catastrophes, we get war, we get nuclear weapons, we get national debt, we get incarcerations … Women worship at the feet of the devil and wonder why the world is evil.
He’s still holding women responsible for all the problems in the world — and all the evil that men do.


- You outlive men

- You outvote men

- Mothers and female teachers control the young

- You control the vast majority of domestic spending

- You control the dating market

Stop playing the victim.

This is the world you made.

Use your power to fix it.

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Always remember: women can be as immoral as men, but usually provoke men into acting out their evil by playing the victim.

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It goes without saying that Molyneux is not a fan of feminism:

In the same way Marxism robs workers of ambition, Feminism robs men and women of love.

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The feminist/welfare state has fostered an entire generation of men without work, and women without children. Depression and a sense of meaninglessness are inevitable. Zoo animals are well fed but listless.

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He also seems, well, a little bit uncomfortable with the fact that women have the right to vote.

What really energizes voters?

Men are desperate to vote for the right to punish political corruption, enforce their borders, protect their property and country & speak freely.

Women are desperate to vote for the right to kill their own foetuses.

Same planet, different worlds.

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Ladies, I know you really really like the Democrats, but if you vote them into power, they will import Third World cultures that will take away your rights.

it’s a simple as that.

Also your men will never forgive you.

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As it turns out, he’s got a lot of advice for the ladies:

Ladies; your youth and beauty exist to get you a good man – if you try and spend that cosmetic currency only on yourself, for your own vanity, it turns into the very counterfeit of happiness.

The same goes for men and money.

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Remember ladies, the price of a lot of men when you are young is a lot of cats when you are old.

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I dunno, that last one seems less like a warning and more like an incentive plan. (Does Stefan even know what cats are? Has he seen their gifs?)
But the sheer absurdity of many of Molyneux’s claims shouldn’t obscure the very real hatred and bigotry underlying them.
Which raises the question: How is it that the adult son of the president, heavily involved in his father’s political and business life, is even seeing Molyneux in his Twitter feed, much less using his own Twitter account — with its 3.6 million followers, at least some of whom are not bots — to amplify his voice (and not for the first time)?
Well, that would be the question if Don Jr’s last name were anything but “Trump” and if we lived in normal political times. These days, with Trump Sr. himself retweeting QAnon conspiracy theorists, Don Jr’s retweets of the racist, misogynistic, and just plain idiotic Molyneux are just par for the course.

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