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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dirty Energy KO'd For Now and Energy Tax Credits

Searching for what got added and subtracted from the stimulus bill, this commentary was available about Dirty Energy --
Dirty energy loan guarantees stripped from compromise stimulus bill
Clean energy advocates scored a victory yesterday when a provision to provide $50 billion worth of taxpayer loan guarantees for new nuclear and high-tech coal plants was stripped out of the final version of the economic stimulus bill negotiated by the House and Senate.
The guarantees were not in the version of the bill originally approved by the House, but they were added to the Senate version by Sen. Robert Bennett (R-Utah). Bennett has long fought efforts to move the country toward more sustainable energy by opposing vehicle fuel standards, pushing for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and opposing efforts to factor global warming into government planning.
What's pretty curious is the Republican hype about earmarks, neglecting to tell you what earmarks they have added. Would Bennett have voted for the bill were this pork included?
The loan guarantees were stripped from the compromise bill after a massive outpouring of public opposition....
[Nuclear Information and Resource Service]NIRS warns that the nuclear industry is unlikely to give up on getting the taxpayer subsidies it so desperately wants -- and in fact needs, since private capital has proven unwilling to finance the new reactors planned for the nation, most of which are slated for the South. As the group reported in an e-mail sent out to supporter following yesterday's vote:
Two days ago, for example, they began a new push to have nuclear power declared a "renewable" energy source in Senate Energy Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman's (D-NM) upcoming Renewable Portfolio Standard bill, which is intended to increase renewable energy production in the U.S. (although first indications are that the bill is much weaker than it should be). This is likely to become a major issue in March.

And there will be new efforts to set up a federal "clean energy bank" to finance nuclear reactors with taxpayer dollars in the coming weeks and months.
Nuclear? Renewable? Huh?
For a variety of reasons, nuclear power no longer makes sense in our energy future, as this ominous warning points out --
That means we are setting ourselves up to take over more trouble assets, since the Congressional Budget Office estimates the likely default rate of these loans at over 50%. If you liked nationalizing banks and insurance companies, you'll love nationalizing nuclear utilities!
The article below includes tax credits for 2009. If you were thinking about new windows, solar on the roof or have a windy location, now might be the time to move forward --
Home Energy Tax Credits for 2009 --
Home energy tax credits are available for solar energy, energy efficiency, biodiesel and hybrid cars, home solar panels and more. See which federal home energy tax credits you can claim in 2009.
Green Energy provisions of the Stimulus plan are none too soon --
Global Warming Speeding Up: Scientist
As feedback loops accelerate global warming, the Obama Administration steps up with early efforts to curtail greenhouse gas emissions.

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