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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bottle Bill

It's time for Beacon Hill to set aside the Special Interests and act for the good of the Commonwealth enacting an updated bottle bill to reduce solid waste.

From MassPirg --

Updating the Bottle Bill is a win for consumers and a win for the Commonwealth -- it decreases litter and makes it easier for cities and towns to recycle. But, with less than four weeks left in the legislative session, we need your help to convince our lawmakers to make the passage of the Updated Bottle Bill a priority.

Join us at next week's press event calling for swift passage of a bill that's been pending for more than a decade.

Since 1990, more than 15 billion containers have been redeemed under the Massachusetts bottle bill, contributing to a healthier environment, cleaner and safer communities, and a stronger economy. But as consumers' tastes change, the bottle bill must be updated to keep up with our times.

Updating the Bottle Bill would more than double the recycling rate for water bottles and most other plastic containers and would give consumers a greater incentive to recycle those containers.

Seems like a no-brainer, right?

But the bill has been held up for years. At the most recent hearing on the bill, there were well over 100 supporters in the room, including the League of Women Voters, the Sierra Club, the Mass Municipal Association and more. The opponents are a who's who of special interests: lobbyists for Pepsi, the bottled water companies, and liquor stores. It looked and sounded to all of us in the hearing room like the public interest versus the powerful special interests. We have to make the public interest voice louder.

And that's why I'm asking you to join us at the State House next Wednesday, July 7th, at 10:30AM. Click below to RSVP.

Consider dropping an email to your State Representative and State Senator.

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