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Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Thursday, November 14, 2013


When will we silence the Koch-funded Propaganda and work for the future of the Planet?

This is the cost of blindly following Propaganda and ignoring the science. 

These are the sobering words from the Philippines delegate at the UN climate talks taking place in Poland right now. As nations continue to squabble about whether to take action on climate change, his country is reeling from what may be the biggest storm ever recorded on earth. 

We need to help him spread the word about the connections between extreme weather events and climate change! Please CLICK SHARE or LIKE to spread the word. Share your thoughts below.

These are the sobering words from the Philippines delegate at the UN climate talks taking place in Poland right now. As nations continue to squabble about whether to take action on climate change, his country is reeling from what may be the biggest storm ever recorded on earth.

We need to help him spread the word about the connections between extreme weather events and climate change! Please CLICK SHARE or LIKE to spread the word. Share your thoughts below.
"If Not Now, Then When?": As Climate Talks Open in Poland, Philippines Devastated by Another Storm

As the Philippines reels from one of the worst storms in history, the annual U.N. climate summit is opening today in Warsaw, Poland. Jeff Masters, director of meteorology at the Weather Underground, says rising sea levels caused by global warming increased the size of the storm’s surge, while the heating of the oceans threatens more extreme storms that could form into typhoons. We also air the emotional plea of Yeb Saño, a member of the Philippines Climate Change Commission, urging action on global warming at last year’s climate summit in Doha. Saño spoke just as Typhoon Bopha hit his country, killing hundreds and leaving 250,000 homeless. "Heartbreaking tragedies like this are not unique to the Philippines, because the whole world — especially developing countries, struggling to address poverty and achieve social and human development — confront these same realities," Saño said. "I ask of all of us here: If not us, then who? If not now, then when? If not here, then where?"

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