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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Monday, June 30, 2014

This is personal...SCOTUS imposing religious zealotry....


Today the Supreme Court ruled there are bosses who can make your birth control decisions for you.
Yup ― you read that right.
The Court could have instructed these corporations to get back to work ― on things other than women’s birth control decisions.
Instead, the Court put bosses’ religious beliefs ahead of women’s health care.
Today's decision is unprecedented. Some corporations will now have a license to harm their workers in the name of religion.
And guess whose health care the opponents targeted? Women’s.
While the Court left the birth control requirement in place, this ruling could jeopardize the health care that women working at these and similar companies receive ― and hurt women who already struggle to make ends meet.
We need Congress to support a fix that guarantees birth control access to all women. Hear our warning: Today’s Supreme Court ruling harms women’s health, but could also have far-reaching consequences beyond birth control. It could encourage bosses to use religion to attempt to disregard other laws that protect us ― like in Arizona, where lawmakers ― in the name of religion ― recently tried to enact a law allowing businesses to turn away customers based on their sexual orientation.
Most Americans believe women should be able to make their own decisions about reproductive health care without interference from their bosses. So we’re going to make sure that the people who would impose their beliefs on others don’t get their way.
Thanks for keeping it personal,
Thao Nguyen
Campaign Director
This Is Personal

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