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Middleboro Review 2



Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

This, that, FINALLY! Trump goes BIRTHER on Cruz! FREELOADING WELFARE QUEEN still in Oregon

Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada, in 1970 to an American mother, and 
although it clearly pained Trump to bring it up, he just had to do it.
Ammon Bundy defends his takeover of a federal building in Oregon by claiming that the Bible backs him up.
Yesterday on “The Liberty Roundtable” radio program, Ammon Bundy defended his seizure of a federal building in Oregon, claiming that the Bible supports his…

Ammon Bundy: Bible Supports Militia's Seizure Of Federal Land

Yesterday on “The Liberty Roundtable” radio program, Ammon Bundy defended his seizure of a federal building in Oregon, claiming that the Bible supports his militia’s actions.
He explained that the federal government is wrongly prohibiting economic development on the property he seized, insisting that God would rather have the land be developed: “We read in Genesis where God gives the earth to man, he did not give it to government, he gave it to man to care and to cultivate, and that means to take care of it and to use it. That is necessary and that is what the Lord has done.”
- See more at:

A couple of ripe adages pigeonhole the infamous Cliven Bundy and 
his militant offspring, those Nevada ranchers who have dominated 
headlines of late: ‘like…

Occupy Democrats
You won't see this on Fox "News."
Image by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more!

"It’s well known that a deep undercurrent of hypocrisy runs throughout the far-right wing and everything they do, which is somehow universally ignored by both conservative media and voters. However, it’s critically important for the rest of us to notice and call them out for it, lest their false narratives and appeals at moral and ideological superiority gain any sort of legitimacy that they certainly do not deserve. It will come as no surprise that the leader of the “militia” that has taken over a federal building in Burns, Oregon, has had no problem with federal government when it comes to getting him some money"
This hypocrite hates the government -- but loves taxpayer subsidies!

Bill O'Reilly claims "there is not a gun crime epidemic in America." Public health experts and basic common sense say the exact opposite.
How can anyone look at these numbers and shrug them away?

Occupy Democrats

Republicans are relentless in their attacks against the U.S. Postal Service. Americans simply cannot afford to let them succeed.
"In the first quarter of this fiscal year, the post office would have made an operational profit, if not for a 75-year healthcare 'pre-funding' mandate passed by Republicans that applies to no other public or private institution in the United States."
Read more here:
Image by Occupy Democrats

The Politburo of Teabilly Mockery

Teddy Roosevelt would eat these wannabes for lunch.

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