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Friday, September 8, 2017

Intrepid Report: Week of September 4, 2017

Intrepid Report

We cannot keep publishing without your help. We rely on
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By Bev ConoverPosted on September 8, 2017

Sorry to make this a short week publishing as we make final preparations for the arrival of Hurricane Irma.

We anticipate losing electrical power as lesser hurricanes have left us in the dark. That means no computer access. Assuming we don’t suffer more extensive damage, Intrepid Report will resume publishing once power is restored.
The server, which is in a safer location, should stay up so you can access Intrepid Report.

If we can afford it and you are inclined to donate to the cause, we are considering having a standby generator installed to avoid any future power outages.
May all our sister and brother Floridians be safe! This is a monster of a storm.

Leaving you with this chuckle: Rush Limbaugh, who said Irma is a liberal hoax, has fled his Palm Beach mansion for safer parts unknown.

Bev Conover is the editor and publisher of Intrepid Report. Email her at


By Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay
By now, most observers have finally realized who President Donald Trump really is. After close to eight months in the White House, Trump has clearly demonstrated that he has serious character defects in his public role as an American “showman” president. His behavior, so far, has been more than bizarre. It has been clearly aberrant and frightening.

The Trump administration has scrapped an Obama-era local hiring plan for public works.
By Kristin Miller
Remember back in the heady days of the campaign when then-candidate Donald Trump promised to create 25 million jobs with his economic plan? Many of these jobs were to come from a massive reboot to American infrastructure. He promised a 10-year, trillion-dollar program that would solve many of America’s aging infrastructure woes as well as add new, better jobs for millions of American workers. The promise actually had some bipartisan appeal—both sides of the aisle acknowledge the poor state of our roads, bridges and rails and obviously support job creation. But, of course, any plan does require congressional backing. Trump soon created a White House advisory group, the Council on Infrastructure, populated with both practiced politicians and industry bigwigs to help with the initiative.

By Stephen Lendman
On August 31, two explosions rocked the plant, causing toxic chemical fires, contaminating air and water.

By Robert Reich
Since its founding in 1999, the New America Foundation—an important voice in policy debates on the American left—has received more than $21 million from Google, from its parent company’s executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, and from his family’s foundation.

By Linh Dinh
Born in Nghe An, he quit school after the 9th grade to start working full time at 15-years-old. He got a job in Saigon, then Phu Quoc Island, the southernmost part of Vietnam. He visited Hanoi and remote Dien Bien Phu, right on the Laotian border.


By Wayne Madsen
Add another violation of federal law to the growing potential rap sheet that may be brought against Donald Trump, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and other members of the Trump and Kushner business organizations: violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977. There is a growing mountain of evidence that Trump, Kushner, and their associates may have offered rewards, including Oval Office access to potential foreign investors in Trump and Kushner properties.

Here's how the police can take your assets even if you haven't been convicted of a crime.
By Kristin Miller
In mid-July, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a policy rollback that’s getting criticism from both sides of the aisle, and the center, too. As The Washington Post notes undoing this Obama-administration policy is a big deal—and means big money.

By Jake Johnson
Texas’s minority and low-income communities have been disproportionately harmed by Hurricane Harvey, but you wouldn’t know it from following the coverage of America’s mainstream media outlets.

By Dave Alpert
During and after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, last January, thousands of people took to the streets refusing to accept the openly racist, misogynist, anti-immigrant, and insulting Trump as their president.

By Stephen Lendman
The Trump administration ordered the closure of Russia’s San Francisco consulate, a chancery annex in Washington, and a New York consular annex—effective September 2.


By Wayne Madsen
The continuing infestation of America’s body politic by neoconservatives is resulting in some noted war hawks taking full advantage of President Donald Trump’s lack of a clear-cut US foreign policy to push for something the neocons and their Israeli puppet masters have long desired: a two-front war against North Korea and Iran.

By Stephen Lendman
Mattis isn’t the only mad dog in Washington, a city infested with them, waging permanent wars against one country after another, threatening more mass slaughter and destruction.

By Linda S. Heard
Many decades ago, I had lunch with the news editor of a prominent right-wing British newspaper with a view to being appointed one of the paper’s Middle East stringers. He confirmed what I already suspected. My reports must be supportive of Israel as opposed to the Arab world, he said in all seriousness. He later joked about headlines on disaster reports focusing on the plight of a single white person rather than tens of thousands of non-Caucasians. I did not accept the job.

By Brian Terrell
On Monday, August 21, President Donald Trump delivered a prime-time speech almost shocking in its ordinariness. It was such an address as either of his immediate predecessors, George W. Bush or Barack Obama, could easily have given over the previous decade and a half. While hinting at nebulous new strategies and ill-defined new metrics to measure success, President Trump announced that the 16-year-old war in Afghanistan will go on pretty much as it has. And the establishment breathed a sigh of relief.

By Philip A Farruggio
This writer lived through a major hurricane assault, when Mathew trampled through Port Orange, Florida on October 7 of last year. We were lucky while being the unlucky neighbors in our 50-unit sub community.


What’s to be done about ‘the most dangerous company most Americans haven’t heard of?’
By Michael Winship
Gather around, everyone, and let me tell you a story about rules. And greed and hypocrisy.

By John W. Whitehead
Our freedoms—especially the Fourth Amendment—are being choked out by a prevailing view among government bureaucrats that they have the right to search, seize, strip, scan, shoot, spy on, probe, pat down, Taser, and arrest any individual at any time and for the slightest provocation.

By Thomas C. Mountain
It seemed as though last month’s election in Kenya would be, as always, stolen fair and square. Instead a Supreme Court hand-picked by the Kenyatta Royal Family revolted and for the first time in African history declared the election “null and void” and ordered a re-vote.

By Robert Reich
Google’s search engine runs two-thirds of all searches in the United States and 90 percent in Europe.

By Wayne Madsen
The decision by the Trump administration to order the Russian Consulate-General closed within 48-hours is not only a violation of the 1964 Soviet-American Consular Convention but a slap at the rich Russian cultural history of San Francisco and northern California. For the Trump administration to boot a fully-functioning consulate-general, busy issuing Russian visas to U.S. citizens and permanent residents and renewing Russian passports of Russian citizen permanent residents and dual citizens in the United States, is as much an act of a tin pot dictatorship as was the U.S. visa ban imposed against seven predominantly Muslim nations and the decision to deport from the United States some 850,000 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) registrants after they were promised a road to permanent residency and citizenship.

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