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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

RSN: Symone D. Sanders | It's Time to End the Myth that Black Voters Don't Like Bernie Sanders

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Symone D. Sanders | It's Time to End the Myth that Black Voters Don't Like Bernie Sanders 
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) hugs a supporter after announcing a bill with Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) (photo: Matt McClain/AP)
Symone D. Sanders, The Washington Post
Sanders writes: "My biggest regret from the time I spent on the Sanders campaign as his national press secretary is the fact that we allowed this false narrative to fester and did not effectively combat claims that the senator's economic message somehow didn't speak to people of color."
'US Spies Slept' While Russia Elected Trump, Russian Politician Says
William Cummings, USA Today
Cummings writes: "A Russian politician ridiculed the American intelligence community during a television appearance Sunday, saying it 'slept through while Russia elected a new U.S. president.'"

Pro-Kremlin lawmaker Vyacheslav Nikonov speaks with journalists before his meeting with U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) fugitive leaker Edward Snowden inside the terminal F of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, on July 12, 2013. (photo: Vasily Maximov/VAFP/AFP/Getty Images)
Pro-Kremlin lawmaker Vyacheslav Nikonov speaks with journalists before his meeting with U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) fugitive leaker Edward Snowden inside the terminal F of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, on July 12, 2013. (photo: Vasily Maximov/VAFP/AFP/Getty Images) 

 Russian politician ridiculed the American intelligence community during a television appearance Sunday, saying it "slept through while Russia elected a new U.S. president."
Vyacheslav Nikonov, a member of the Duma — Russia's parliament — made the snide comment during a Sunday appearance on a Russian news program, Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov.
"(To achieve world dominance) the U.S. overextended themselves," Nikonov said, according to a translation from CNN. "Because the most recent tendencies, economical, military, even tendencies in the intelligence (services) which slept through while Russia elected a new U.S. president."
"It's just ridiculous, what kind of intelligence in the USA one can even talk about?" he said. "The U.S. sagged in all these aspects for the past two decades. This superpower is losing its ability to define the world."
Nikonov's comments were first reported by Julia Davis who monitors "Russian propaganda" on her Russia Lies website.
Nikonov served on the staff of Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin, Davis said.
"Simply put, Nikonov is an established, reliable state actor, whose messaging is always in strict compliance with that of the Kremlin," Davis said. Davis theorized the comment showed the Kremlin is "reveling" in the failure of American intelligence and as a warning to Trump, who has failed to deliver on improved relations.
CNN reported that Nikonov's tone indicated he made the comment in jest.
University of Virginia professor Allen Lynch told The Hill that Nikonov's comments were not meant as a confession that Russia meddled in the 2016 election, but were intended to mock the U.S.
"His point in making the remark was that if the U.S. can’t protect the integrity of its own electoral system, then how powerful can it really be?" Lynch told The Hill.

Tagging Fake News on Facebook Doesn't Work, Study Says
Jason Schwartz, Politico
Schwartz writes: "A Yale survey of 7,500 people shows little benefit, and possible detriments, to fact-check programs."
Inside America's Secret War With ISIS
Seth Harp, Rolling Stone
Harp writes: "U.S.-backed forces are about to seize Raqqa - the capital of the most wanted terrorist group on earth - so why won't the government talk about it?"
The Grassroots Activists Who Paved the Way for Single-Payer Healthcare's Political Moment
Addy Baird, ThinkProgress
Baird writes: "Meet the people across the country who have been fighting for universal health care for decades."
How the US Blockade Against Cuba Takes a Toll on Health, Not Just Politics
Excerpt: "The blockade against Cuba imposed by the United States affects the island's health system as well as its renowned missions across the world, according to activists and health experts."
Flame On: Western Wildfires Could Still Be Burning by Halloween
Manola Secaira, Grist
Secaira writes: "While many fires are predicted to be contained by mid-September, some won't be contained until late October or even Nov. 1, according to the Oregonian's wildfires map."
How to Donate to Hurricane Victims and Avoid Scams
Jacey Fortin, The New York Times
Fortin writes: "As Hurricane Irma batters its way through the Caribbean and up toward southern Florida, here is a guide to how you can help the people it affects."

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