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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Citing safety concerns, anti-Trump groups end protests

Citing safety concerns, anti-Trump groups end protests

By Geoff Spillane 
Posted Nov 12, 2018

FALMOUTH — Two local anti-Trump groups have suspended weekly organized rallies, citing safety concerns.
“As the political climate has become uglier, the rhetoric from the president has encouraged violence, exacerbated recently by pipe bombs and the Synagogue (mass shootings),” said Paul Rifkin, co-founder of “Move to Remove,” a group that has protested at the Falmouth Village Green on Saturday mornings for the past 15 months.
In Falmouth, the protestors, primarily older adults whose numbers ranged from 10 to 70 depending on weather, were often greeted with obscene gestures and language.
Lately, the detractors have seemed increasingly emboldened, stopping their cars to yell and take photos of them, according to Rifkin.
“It made things uncomfortable, it seemed they wanted to know who we are,” he said.
The last straw for Rifkin, 76, was a letter recently sent to a former address that he said read “we dealt with your boy Barack Obama for eight years, leave Trump alone.”
“I’ve never been afraid before,” said Rifkin, a longtime activist. “The threat to me was that they found an address. It put a fear in me that I’ve never felt in my life.”
A spin-off “Move to Remove” group in Sandwich has also placed its weekly rallies on hold.
Opposition was expected, according to coordinator Ann Shea, because Sandwich is not considered as liberal as Falmouth and there is a large and vocal conservative population within the community.   
“But neither of these factors could explain the verbal insults from drivers, raised middle fingers and shouted expletives,” she wrote in an email, also noting, like in Falmouth, cars stopped to insult the protestors. “I think it was the man who drove slowly in front of us and started his harangue by calling President Obama a N- (racial slur) that upset us most.”
In Dennis, a similar group not connected to “Move to Remove” has also ended its weekly stand outs. Even though it had its share of hand gestures and other insults hurled its way, demonstrators never felt in danger, according to coordinator Nancy Davison.
“Just because we are not standing out doesn’t mean we aren’t passionate,” she said, adding the group is currently evaluating other ways to communicate its message.
Rifkin stopped short of saying the Falmouth group has disbanded, saying that would mean “giving up.” He also said a few protestors — including himself — would continue to be visible on their own.
“I would not want to be responsible for someone getting hurt in a rally that I organized,” he said.

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