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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Does this even make sense?

At your fingertips, a world of information is opened to you if you choose to access it.

One of the areas that greatly impacts Americans is the consistent failure to address ENERGY SECURITY. (The Chinese are aggressively producing, promoting and employing 'alternatives' to enhance their ENERGY SECURITY and leaving the US in the dust.)

Yeah, it's kinda complicated because of all the misinformation tossed out there by profitable industries, well paid lobbyists and slick advertising, environment be damned!

Consider this -- Nuclear Energy costs

$7,500 per kilowatt to build

That’s more than double the capital costs for solar power and three and a half times the cost for wind.

And this is interesting --
In his address, Alexander criticized Democrats' for proposing billions of dollars in subsidies for renewable energy -- but he failed to note that nuclear power is already

the most heavily subsidized industry in the energy sector.

In 2005, Congress handed the nuclear power industry $13 billion in federal aid, and two years later went on to approve an additional $20.5 billion in loan guarantees, making U.S. taxpayers the cosigners on loans for new nuclear projects -- half of which are expected to end in defaults.

Taxpayers and ratepayers have also forked over $11 billion for the Yucca Mountain high-level waste disposal dump, which the Obama administration recently scrapped over concerns about long-term safety.

And of COAL? The Dirtiest Energy source is allowed to continue to 'extract' Cheap Coal and escape environmental protections through Mountain Top Removal that has destroyed 500 mountains and untold communities and drinking water in the process, leaving destruction in its wake.

While the rest of the world marches past the US toward Energy Independence, a few wealthy individuals who have generously fund the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, Jeff Perry and Charlie Baker have jumped on board.

This only proves that the Republicans will say and do whatever they have to in order to distort the truth and protect wealthy campaign contributors to the detriment of our future.

What a pity so many believe them.

Jeffrey Perry calls Cape Wind 'job killer'

CENTERVILLE — On the shores of Craigville Beach, with sun-drenched Nantucket Sound as a backdrop, 10th Congressional District candidate state Rep. Jeffrey Perry said Friday the proposed Cape Wind project is a "job killer."

Citing the signing Wednesday of the federal lease of the off-shore site as a subsidy for a private developer and the cost of electricity that will be generated by the 130 wind turbines, Perry said he would use the bully pulpit as a congressman to fight it.

"I will do whatever I can do to make sure this project does not go forward," Perry said, with members of the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound holding anti-wind farm signs nearby.

Perry's position on Cape Wind is in sharp contrast to his Democratic opponent, William Keating, who started out the campaign opposed to the wind farm but now supports it. In a meeting with the Times editorial board earlier this week, the Norfolk County district attorney said he initially opposed Cape Wind because of computer images that depicted what it might look like. But his position on the Cape Wind project didn't jibe with his stump speeches on the need to get away from the country's dependence on oil, he said.

"I kept listening to myself in these speeches," Keating said. "It was not reconciling."

Cape Wind and other renewable energy projects, along with Massachusetts Maritime Academy and Woods Hole research institutions, provide the possibility for Cape Cod to become a leader in green jobs, Keating said.

"Short term, it's going to provide jobs, and long term, it's going to help too," he said.

Perry charged Friday that Cape Wind would be a drain on the economy. Electricity for a small grocery store would increase $500 per month if the state Department of Public Utilities gives the wind farm the green light, he said.

"That's a job killer," Perry said.

Mark Rodgers, a spokesman for Cape Wind, said the project is expected to create 600 to 1,000 construction jobs and, eventually, 50 permanent jobs on Cape Cod.

"It's sad that on the same day the Department of Energy announced that offshore wind power can create 43,000 American jobs over the next 20 years, with the first of these jobs being right here on Cape Cod, that Jeff Perry would stand on a beach and say 'no'," Rodgers said.

Audra Parker, president of the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, said the $6 billion price tag for Cape Wind would put a burden on ratepayers already paying the fourth highest electric rates in the country.

National Grid, which has cut a proposed deal for half of the wind farm's power, has estimated that electric rates would increase by 2 percent once Cape Wind became operational. On Cape Cod, only Nantucket gets its electricity through National Grid.

Cape Wind has received federal approval but there are some lawsuits pending.

Perry said a congressman can use federal clout to block the project.

"Sen. (Edward) Kennedy certainly couldn't vote on this issue, but part of his legacy, I believe, is that he was always adamantly against this, and he used the power of his office to articulate his reasons why," Perry said. "I would like to pick up where Sen. Kennedy left off and be the voice of the 10th Congressional District in opposition to this."

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