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Monday, June 2, 2014

RSN: Freedom Summer II, Monsanto vs. the Monarchs: The Fight to Save the World's Most Stunning Butterfly Migration, et al

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Reader Supported News

Robert Reich | Freedom Summer II
Economist, professor, author and political commentator Robert Reich. (photo: Richard Morgenstein)
Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog
Reich writes: "I spent several days in New York last week with students from around the country who were preparing to head into the heartland to help organize Walmart workers for better jobs and wages."

Juan Cole | Solar Power for the Global Masses: The Next Revolution
Juan Cole, Informed Comment
Cole writes: "As the price of solar panels drops, they increasingly are being spontaneously bought and installed by villagers throughout the world, who are often ill-served, or not served at all, by the central power grid in their countries."

Why Men Don't See the Harassment Women Experience. Yes, All Women.
Amanda Hess, Slate
Hess writes: "How can some men manage to appear polite, kind, even 'wonderful' in public while perpetuating sexism under the radar of other men's notice? And how could this dynamic be so obvious to so many women, yet completely foreign to the men in their lives?"

Charles Pierce | The Problem Isn't the VA or Eric Shinseki
Charles P. Pierce, Esquire
Pierce writes: "And thus ends the honorable career of a soldier who was correct about the lies behind the greatest policy disaster of our times, about the essential criminality of the people who launched the invasion of Iraq, but whose primary failures as an administrator were his inability to oversee the people in his department who were directly trying to cope with the flood of casualties that resulted from all of those soldiers."

Will Durst | If You Thought Oligarchy and Aristocracy Were Bad, You'll Really Hate Kochocracy
Will Durst, AlterNet
Durst writes: "In the bad old days, medieval German Lords figured out how to pocket some quick coin by charging a toll on the primitive paths meandering across their lands. The money wasn't used to improve the roads or better the lives of the peasants or clean the rivers their pigs pooped in but rather heighten the piles in their treasury."

NFL: Last Sports Bastion of White, Male Conservatives
Neal Gabler, Reuters
Gabler writes: "Why does the NFL have such a tenacious hold on the national consciousness - particularly that of white males, the primary fans of professional sports? It might be that the NFL, in both its high points and its low ones, encapsulates the prevailing white male conservative ethos of modern America better than any other league."

Monsanto vs. the Monarchs: The Fight to Save the World's Most Stunning Butterfly Migration
Lindsay Abrams, Salon
Abrams writes: “If the monarchs can be said to have a fatal flaw, it’s that they’re are entirely dependent upon milkweed. And milkweed, once common in the American Midwest, has been all but eliminated from the cropland where it once thrived, the loss a side effect of our growing, and increasingly efficient, industrial agriculture system. While the monarch itself isn’t yet endangered, its stunning migration could soon become a thing of the past.”

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