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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

RSN: Japan Kills 30 Whales in First Post-ICJ Hunt, et al

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Reader Supported News

*SENIOR ON LIMITED INCOME WHO CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU: Ever since a friend connected me to RSN I have been your "slave." Was always relieved to be let off the hook of finances as a "senior." But threat of losing you will get a donation because you are the most comprehensive news source I have. I never have time to read all the articles I'd like to, but read what I can almost daily. What's going on in Ukraine? Dead silence on NPR, MSNBC, and I don't bother with anyone else because I don't get Al Jazeera. / Virginia, RSN Reader-Supporter*

Andy Borowitz | Dick Cheney: "My Thoughts and Prayers Are With the Iraqi Oil Wells"
Former vice president Dick Cheney. (photo: Win McNamee/Getty)
Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker
Borowitz writes: "Former Vice-President Dick Cheney broke his silence about the crisis in Iraq on Tuesday, telling reporters, 'My thoughts and prayers are with the Iraqi oil wells.'"
Hillary Still Doesn't Get It on Iraq
George Zornick, The Nation
Zornick writes: "The unfortunate re-eruption of warfare in Iraq will lead to many more questions for Hillary Clinton about her past support for the war - a rather unfortunate thing from her point of view, given the issue was a key reason for her 2008 Democratic presidential primary loss."
Ariel Dorfman | A Tale of Torture and Forgiveness
Ariel Dorfman, TomDispatch
Dorfman writes: "What a way to celebrate Torture Awareness Month! According to an Amnesty International Poll released in May, 45% of Americans believe that torture is 'sometimes necessary and acceptable' in order to 'gain information that may protect the public.'"
Goldman Sachs: The Bank That Rules the World
Al Jazeera America
Excerpt: "Ever since the stock market crashed, on the night of September 15 2008, the name Goldman Sachs, or GS, has been appearing everywhere: in the collapse of the financial system, the Greek crisis, the plunge of the euro, and the campaign to prevent regulation of financial markets."
Study: Quarter of All Public Company Deals May Involve Insider Trading
Andrew Ross Sorkin, The New York Times
Sorkin writes: "Now, a groundbreaking new study finally puts what we've instinctively thought into hard numbers - and the truth is worse than we imagined. A quarter of all public company deals may involve some kind of insider trading."
Japan Kills 30 Whales in First Post-ICJ Hunt
Agence France-Presse
Excerpt: "Japan has slaughtered 30 minke whales off its northeast coast, in the first hunt since the UN's top court ordered Tokyo to stop killing the animals in the Antarctic, the government said."
New Zealand Government Opens Rare Dolphin Habitat to Oil Drilling
Brook Sabin, 3 News, New Zealand
Sabin reports: "The Government has opened up more than 3000 square kilometers of a marine mammal sanctuary for oil and gas drilling, home to the critically endangered Maui's dolphin. It comes less than a week after the International Whaling Commission urged our Government to do more to save the species."

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