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Middleboro Review 2



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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sunday Hunting? You're kidding....right?

The link provides an email to send to your State Rep. 
Please add your name and speak out against Sunday Hunting!

ASPCALobby for Animals

Protect People & Pets,
Oppose Sunday Hunting!

Contact Your State Representative in Boston Today!

Dear Massachusetts Animal Advocate,

For a century Massachusetts has banned hunting on Sundays. This restriction has allowed Bay State families and their pets to safely enjoy the outdoors during hunting season.

Unfortunately, the Massachusetts Legislature is considering overturning the century-old law with House Bill 4114, dangerous legislation that would allow hunting on Sundays with bow and arrows during the final three months of the year.

Not only does this bill strip citizens of their freedom to enjoy nature without worrying about encountering hunting activity—if passed, it could open the door for even more expanded opportunities for hunting.

What You Can Do

This bill is moving quickly! Please visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center today to call and email your state representative in Boston and ask him or her to preserve the ban on Sunday hunting.

Thank you, Massachusetts!

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