Reader Supported News | 21 February 16
Now Is the Time That We Need Your Support - Today
This is it, right now. We are pulling out all the stops to finish the February fundraiser now. As in right now. Yes we can do that.
Today, right now is critical.
Marc Ash
Curator, Reader Supported News
Curator, Reader Supported News
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Glenn Greenwald & Andrew Fishman | Criminalizing Activism Against Israeli Occupation

Glenn Greenwald and Andrew Fishman, The Intercept
Excerpt: "The U.K. government today announced that it is will be illegal for 'local [city] councils, public bodies, and even some university student unions ... to refuse to buy goods and services from companies involved in the arms trade, fossil fuels, tobacco products, or Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.' Thus, any entities that support or participate in the global boycott of Israeli settlements will face 'severe penalties.'"
Glenn Greenwald and Andrew Fishman, The Intercept
Excerpt: "The U.K. government today announced that it is will be illegal for 'local [city] councils, public bodies, and even some university student unions ... to refuse to buy goods and services from companies involved in the arms trade, fossil fuels, tobacco products, or Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.' Thus, any entities that support or participate in the global boycott of Israeli settlements will face 'severe penalties.'"
Former Apple Stockholder Donald Trump Calls for an Apple Boycott as He Tweets From iPhone
Jack Smith IV, Mic
Smith writes: "In the epic showdown between Apple and the FBI, everyone is taking a divisive side. Are you for privacy? Are you for liberty? Are you an FBI shill or just towing the line for the world's richest corporation."
Jack Smith IV, Mic
Smith writes: "In the epic showdown between Apple and the FBI, everyone is taking a divisive side. Are you for privacy? Are you for liberty? Are you an FBI shill or just towing the line for the world's richest corporation."
Siding With Foreclosure Victim, California Court Exposes Law Enforcement Failure
David Dayen, The Intercept
Dayen writes: "The California Supreme Court on Thursday ruled unanimously in favor of a fraudulently foreclosed-upon homeowner in a case that should serve as a wake-up call to state and federal prosecutors that mortgage companies continue to use false documents to evict homeowners on a daily basis."
David Dayen, The Intercept
Dayen writes: "The California Supreme Court on Thursday ruled unanimously in favor of a fraudulently foreclosed-upon homeowner in a case that should serve as a wake-up call to state and federal prosecutors that mortgage companies continue to use false documents to evict homeowners on a daily basis."
Students and Veterans Turned Away From the Polls Under Wisconsin's New Voter ID Law
Alice Ollstein, ThinkProgress
Ollstein writes: "Wisconsin's local primary election put the state's new voter ID law to the test Tuesday, causing problems that left officials seriously concerned about how voters will be impacted this November."
Alice Ollstein, ThinkProgress
Ollstein writes: "Wisconsin's local primary election put the state's new voter ID law to the test Tuesday, causing problems that left officials seriously concerned about how voters will be impacted this November."
US Airstrike in Libya Kills 50, Including Two Serbian Hostages
VICE and Reuters
Excerpt: "Two Serbian embassy staffers were among the 50 people killed on Friday during US airstrikes on a suspected Islamic State training camp in western Libya, according to Serbia's prime minister."
VICE and Reuters
Excerpt: "Two Serbian embassy staffers were among the 50 people killed on Friday during US airstrikes on a suspected Islamic State training camp in western Libya, according to Serbia's prime minister."
Refugee Crisis: Greece Sets Up Island 'Hotspots' to Process Incoming Refugees - but What Happens Next?
Laura Pitel, The Independent
Pitel writes: "It was an aluminium factory. Then it became a municipal recycling centre. Now, the echoing warehouse on the Greek island of Chios is processing people."
Laura Pitel, The Independent
Pitel writes: "It was an aluminium factory. Then it became a municipal recycling centre. Now, the echoing warehouse on the Greek island of Chios is processing people."
California's Catastrophic Gas Leak Said to Be 'Permanently Sealed'
Excerpt: "A leaking gas well near the US city of Los Angeles which has been polluting the air for four months has been 'permanently sealed,' officials say."
Excerpt: "A leaking gas well near the US city of Los Angeles which has been polluting the air for four months has been 'permanently sealed,' officials say."
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