Why Bernie Can Win

Matt Karp, Jacobin
Karp writes: "It's almost surreal to go back and watch Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign announcement today. Last April, with a handful of reporters gathered outside the US Capitol, Sanders strode casually across the grass and unfolded a crinkled sheet of notes. As he spoke - airing his now-familiar grievances with the ever-more-unequal American economy - photographers snapped perfunctory pictures while journalists fiddled with their smartphones. It was all over in about ten minutes."
Matt Karp, Jacobin
Karp writes: "It's almost surreal to go back and watch Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign announcement today. Last April, with a handful of reporters gathered outside the US Capitol, Sanders strode casually across the grass and unfolded a crinkled sheet of notes. As he spoke - airing his now-familiar grievances with the ever-more-unequal American economy - photographers snapped perfunctory pictures while journalists fiddled with their smartphones. It was all over in about ten minutes."
FBI Won't Explain Its Bizarre New Way of Measuring Its Success Fighting Terror
Jenna McLaughlin, The Intercept
McLaughlin writes: "The Federal Bureau of Investigation has quietly developed a new way to measure its success in the war on terror: counting the number of terror threats it has 'disrupted' in a year. But good luck trying to figure out what that number means, how it was derived, or why it doesn't jibe with any other law enforcement statistic, most notably, the number of terror suspects actually charged or arrested."
Jenna McLaughlin, The Intercept
McLaughlin writes: "The Federal Bureau of Investigation has quietly developed a new way to measure its success in the war on terror: counting the number of terror threats it has 'disrupted' in a year. But good luck trying to figure out what that number means, how it was derived, or why it doesn't jibe with any other law enforcement statistic, most notably, the number of terror suspects actually charged or arrested."
Justice Delayed: Trials Postponed for Cops Accused of Freddie Gray's Murder
Excerpt: "The highest court in the state of Maryland has postponed all trials over the alleged murder of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray, it was announced Thursday. The state Court of Appeals chose to delay the trials just before they were set to begin - a pre-trial hearing had been scheduled for Friday, with jury selection on Monday - while it considers competing appeals on whether officer William Porter, who faces a retrial, can testify against the other defendants."
Excerpt: "The highest court in the state of Maryland has postponed all trials over the alleged murder of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray, it was announced Thursday. The state Court of Appeals chose to delay the trials just before they were set to begin - a pre-trial hearing had been scheduled for Friday, with jury selection on Monday - while it considers competing appeals on whether officer William Porter, who faces a retrial, can testify against the other defendants."
The US Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover
Paul Craig Roberts, CounterPunch
Roberts writes: "The US economy died when middle class jobs were offshored and when the financial system was deregulated. Jobs offshoring benefited Wall Street, corporate executives, and shareholders, because lower labor and compliance costs resulted in higher profits."
Paul Craig Roberts, CounterPunch
Roberts writes: "The US economy died when middle class jobs were offshored and when the financial system was deregulated. Jobs offshoring benefited Wall Street, corporate executives, and shareholders, because lower labor and compliance costs resulted in higher profits."
Students Testify on Capitol Hill Against Predatory For-Profit Colleges
Bryan Dewan, ThinkProgress
Dewan writes: "Students reeling from debt incurred while attending for-profit colleges traveled to Capitol Hill Thursday to voice their struggles to the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions committee, seeking to pursue blanket discharges for debt taken on by attending expensive programs that, in reality, had little value."
Bryan Dewan, ThinkProgress
Dewan writes: "Students reeling from debt incurred while attending for-profit colleges traveled to Capitol Hill Thursday to voice their struggles to the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions committee, seeking to pursue blanket discharges for debt taken on by attending expensive programs that, in reality, had little value."
The New South American Political Map
Raul Zibechi, Upside Down World
Zibechi writes: "The election results in Venezuela and Argentina, the Brazilian crisis, and the erosion of the 'citizens' revolution' in Ecuador are part of a change in political climate that puts the transformative processes underway on the defensive in South America."
Raul Zibechi, Upside Down World
Zibechi writes: "The election results in Venezuela and Argentina, the Brazilian crisis, and the erosion of the 'citizens' revolution' in Ecuador are part of a change in political climate that puts the transformative processes underway on the defensive in South America."
Environmentalists Sue the Oil Companies Allegedly Causing Oklahoma's Big Earthquakes
Matt Smith, VICE
Smith writes: "Days after the largest earthquake in more than four years hit increasingly shaky Oklahoma, environmentalists there are suing three oil companies they say are contributing to the problem."
Matt Smith, VICE
Smith writes: "Days after the largest earthquake in more than four years hit increasingly shaky Oklahoma, environmentalists there are suing three oil companies they say are contributing to the problem."
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