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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Monday, June 1, 2015

RSN: One Person, One Vote?, Death and Neglect at Rikers Island Women's Jail, 2,600 Killed After Ousting of Mohamed Morsi, State of Disaster, Black Americans Killed by Police Twice as Likely to Be Unarmed as White People,

Maybe it's not important....Egypt has always been the top US aid recipient...second only to Israel if you count the US loan never repaid....not that the US ever pulled the purse strings and insisted on human rights, progressive democratic policies, the abolition of female genital mutilation.

For the most part, Americans don't seem to care about 'Foreign Policy' and seem content to continue the blinders until some catastrophe wakes them up.

Egypt democratically elects a overthrown.....ya might want to pay attention. Yet another brute the US supports in your name.

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Reader Supported News

Robert Reich | State of Disaster
Robert Reich. (photo: Richard Morgenstein)
Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog
Reich writes: "Just over a month ago hundreds of Texans decided that a pending Navy Seal/Green Beret joint training exercise was really an excuse to take over the state and impose martial law. And they claimed the Federal Emergency Management Agency was erecting prison camps, readying Walmart stores as processing centers for political prisoners."
Senate to Let NSA Spy Program Lapse, at Least Temporarily
Patricia Zengerle and Warren Strobel, Reuters
Excerpt: "A bill that would end U.S. spy agencies' bulk collection of the telephone data and replace it with a more targeted system cleared a crucial procedural hurdle, ending an impasse over whether to move ahead with the legislation."
Black Americans Killed by Police Twice as Likely to Be Unarmed as White People
Jon Swaine, Oliver Laughland and Jamiles Lartey, Guardian UK
Excerpt: "Black Americans are more than twice as likely to be unarmed when killed during encounters with police as white people, according to a Guardian investigation which found 102 of 464 people killed so far this year in incidents with law enforcement officers were not carrying weapons."
One Person, One Vote?
Garrett Epps, The Atlantic
Epps writes: "The Supreme Court will consider whether equality of representation requires equal numbers of eligible voters, or equal numbers of people."
Death and Neglect at Rikers Island Women's Jail
Erika Eichelberger, The Intercept
Eichelberger writes: "After Judy Jean Caquias died in Rikers Island custody last year, her youngest sister received a box from her old apartment with all of her personal belongings. Her whole life distilled into a pile of odds and ends: pictures of family, old papers from school, an iron-on patch of a woman with a rainbow flag flying."
2,600 Killed After Ousting of Mohamed Morsi
Excerpt: "The Egyptian Human Rights body said that the 18 months after Morsi was ousted had been the most violent in the country in 30 years."
Solar Impulse Plane Starts Six-Day Pacific Ocean Crossing Powered Only by the Sun
Agence France-Presse
Excerpt: "Seventh and longest section of round-the-world journey will require pilot Andre Borschberg to survive on little sleep and with only a parachute for backup."

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