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Saturday, October 31, 2015

CounterCurrents: A Special Appeal From CC - Let Ideas Sprout And Regenerate Our World

Dear Friend of, 

There have been requests from around the world from Countercurrents readers to make it more interactive and create a platform where CC readers, writers and commentators can interact more creatively. There is also problem of the wide gap that the digital divide creates, where people with internet access only read Countercurrents, and the rest of the people who can’t access the internet are left behind from the ideational vibrancy of Countercurrents. We have to bridge that gap.   CC readers also need   a platform where they can take the ideas presented in Countercurrents can be taken forward and converted into grass root level actions. As a first step we can start Countercurrents Discussion Forums (CCDF) around every city, town, village, university, college or any public spaces. We have to OCCUPY these spaces and start a Counter narrative of the dominant narrative propagated by the one-percenters. I am sure from our counter narratives some concrete action plans to counter the
crises that our world faces will emerge. We have to get out of our shells and think collectively how we can solve this civilisational crisis that we are facing. A good start would be CCDF. Let’s all get together and put our heads together and think loudly how we can get out of this rut. 

Do get together once a week or month and discuss the issues, that Countercurrents raises or think how some of the ideas raised by CC can be applied in your area. Prepare a note of your discussions, if possible take some photographs so that it can be shared with other CC readers worldwide.  We shall share it with the world so that the ideas spread and sprout and regenerate our world. 

If anyone is interested do write to us, perhaps we could link you with someone from your area. Write to us 

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

This need not be a large gathering. 5-10 people will do. It  would be wonderful if it is more.    Invite friends who do not currently read Countercurrents also. 

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

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