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Sunday, October 30, 2016

RSN: Amnesty International USA to Monitor North Dakota Pipeline Protests, How the Oregon Militia Acquittals Reflect the Influence of White Nationalist Agitators, Anthony Weiner? Seriously?

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Charles Pierce | Anthony Weiner? Seriously? 
Anthony Weiner. (photo: WNYC) 
Charles Pierce, Esquire 
Pierce writes: "OK, I've had it. Fire all the writers. This TV series called 2016 has jumped the shark at a sufficient altitude that it is now clearing the rings of Saturn. I'm kicking around Stephen King country in northern New England with El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago and, by the time I get to this tight little burg that probably is only 40 percent likely to be inhabited by vampires, the story of the election takes another violent twist and we find that the world's greatest democracy has ended up (again) at Anthony Weiner's zipper." 
Attorney General Loretta Lynch Objected to FBI Director Going Public With Email Review 
Kevin Johnson and Richard Wolf, USA TODAY 
Excerpt: "Attorney General Loretta Lynch objected to the decision by FBI Director James Comey to notify Congress that the bureau was reviewing newly discovered emails that might be related to the previously closed investigation of Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information, according to an official familiar with the matter." 
Amnesty International USA to Monitor North Dakota Pipeline Protests 
Amnesty International 
Excerpt: "As tensions escalate at the site of a disputed pipeline close to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) has sent a delegation of human rights observers to monitor the response of law enforcement to protests by Indigenous communities." 
How the Oregon Militia Acquittals Reflect the Influence of White Nationalist Agitators 
Andrew Gumbel, Guardian UK 
Gumbel writes: "Conventional wisdom has it that defendants never catch a break in US federal court: the conviction rate last year was more than 95%. But it seems those odds improve if, like the leaders of last winter's armed standoff at the Malheur national wildlife refuge in Oregon, you are part of the radical anti-government right." 
Supreme Court Will Hear Transgender Bathroom Case 
Ian Millhiser, ThinkProgress 
Millhiser writes: "In a not entirely unexpected but still unfortunate development for the rights of transgender Americans, the Supreme Court announced on Friday that it will hear Gloucester County School Board v. G.G., a case involving the right of transgender students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity." 
Activists: UK, France Violated Refugee Child Human Rights While Closing Refugee Camp in Calais 
Excerpt: "Activists have accused the French and U.K. governments of committing human rights abuses against dozens of refugee minors who were abandoned by authorities in Calais and forced onto an industrial estate following the violent eviction of the camp, often referred to in France as 'the Jungle.'" 
7 Solutions to the Climate Crisis 
The Climate Reality Project 
Excerpt: "It's no secret - here in the U.S., there's an election coming up. It's soon. It's a big decision for American voters. And it's a big deal." 

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