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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Stray Hero and Generous Heart


Mohammad Azmi, a 55-year-old former contractor, has dedicated his life to rescuing stray dogs and cats, despite living in a country where dogs, especially, are considered taboo, filthy and un- Islamic. The Muslims who care for dogs are usually frowned upon, let alone touch and feed them.

However for Mohammad Azmi, who is fondly known as Pak Mie, his love for these animals is unconditional, as he, with the help from his wife, splurge their savings on the stray animals by providing a shelter, food and medication on daily basis, apart getting donations from concerned citizens. To date, he has rescued more than a whopping 600 stray animals, a figure that no other licensed shelters have ever accommodated.

This also means that they have to lead a simple life; so simple that they sleep in the car parked outside the shelter that they built just to make sure that no one harms the animals during the night.
Pak Mie’s activity has however attracted the attention from the local council, which in the other hand, usually resorts to killing the strays instead of putting them at animal shelters.

Although Pak Mie knows that he will never get anything in return by sacrificing his normal life, he is hopeful that he will continue to do so until his last breath.

For more information about Pak Mie please visit or his Facebook (managed by his son) or

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