My God, do these House Republicans not know when to take the L and move on to the next? The answer is no. On Tuesday, Speaker John Boehner announced that the House of Representatives will vote again to repeal part of Obamacare — specifically the provision that requires individuals to have health insurance. You know, because the conservative-led Supreme Court upholding such a requirement wasn’t convincing enough evidence to them to let it ride.

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This morning, Boehner said, “I think what the President did is outrageous. The idea that we’re going to give big businesses a break under Obamacare, but we’re going to punish small businesses and families? It’s wrong, and we’ll have another vote. Count on it.”

This is the part in which I wish I could say, “Smithers, release the hounds!” and Boehner would scurry away and find something better to do to occupy his time.

Like, say, drafting a jobs bill.

To be fair, there is valid criticism floating about the Obama administration’s decision to delay implementation of a key component of the Affordable Health Care for America Act — panning it with a similar sentiment as stated by Boehner. Frankly, it does seem frustrating to delay a measure that some companies have already started enacting.

Still, Boehner cares as much about small business owners with respect to HR 3962 as George Zimmerman loves Black youth.

It’s a disingenuous act, and of all the things the House could be doing right now, posturing shouldn’t be at the top of the list. I wish this debate about a law that was deemed legal would go the hell away already. Sadly, it won’t and part of the reason why is due to two of the GOP’s greatest sugar daddies: the Koch Brothers (pictured), who are keeping this debate alive for self-serving reasons.

A recent New York Times report reveals that “in one of the largest campaigns of its kind, Americans for Prosperity, a conservative advocacy group financed in part by Charles and David Koch, will begin running television commercials this week asserting that the law will limit Americans’ health care choices.”