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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Alice Speri | The Strange Tale of the FBI's Fictional "Black Identity Extremism" Movement

Reader Supported News
25 March 19

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Alice Speri | The Strange Tale of the FBI's Fictional "Black Identity Extremism" Movement 
Olajuwon Ali Davis, center, stands with his hands raised on Canfield Drive in Ferguson on the night of Aug. 9, 2014, hours after Michael Brown was shot and killed by Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson. (photo: David Carson/St. Louis Post-Dispatch/Polaris)
Alice Speri, The Intercept
Speri writes: "The only connection between the men referenced in the FBI's 'black identity extremism' report, besides their race, is a thread of anger at police violence."

William Barr. (photo: Saul Loeb/Getty Images)
William Barr. (photo: Saul Loeb/Getty Images)

Bill Barr's Weasel Words
William Saletan, Slate
Saletan writes: "Special counsel Robert Mueller has submitted his report on the Russia investigation, and Republicans are gloating. They claim a four-page letter from Attorney General William Barr, purporting to summarize the report, exonerates President Donald Trump. They're wrong."

Laura Ingraham. (photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Image)
Laura Ingraham. (photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Image)

Jessica Valenti | Hateful Fox News Rhetoric Can Do Real-World Harm
Jessica Valenti, Medium
Valenti writes: "The worst kinds of threats and harassment no longer just come from strangers on the internet who mask their identity lest they be outed for abusive behavior. The more powerful perpetrators are doing so in plain sight, on cable TV, and with no shame."

Sydney Aiello. (photo: GoFundMe)
Sydney Aiello. (photo: GoFundMe)

For the Second Time in a Week, a Parkland Student Has Died in an Apparent Suicide
Dakin Andone and Kevin Conlon, CNN
Excerpt: "A second Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student has died in what police are calling 'an apparent suicide.'"

A protester is arrested in Longworth House Office Building for asking for passage of a clean Dream Act. (photo: Tom Williams)
A protester is arrested in Longworth House Office Building for asking for passage of a clean Dream Act. (photo: Tom Williams)

The Dream and Promise Act Is the Only Hope Left for Liberians Abandoned by the Trump Administration
Rebekah Entralgo, ThinkProgress
Entralgo writes: "This week, thousands of Liberians protected under Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) will become eligible for deportation, after years of building lives, families, and businesses in the United States."

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. Republican senator Lindsey Graham and U.S. ambassador to Israel David Friedman visit the border line between Israel and Syria at the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights March 11, 2019. (photo: Ronen Zvulun)
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. Republican senator Lindsey Graham and U.S. ambassador to Israel David Friedman visit the border line between Israel and Syria at the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights March 11, 2019. (photo: Ronen Zvulun)

Trump's Golan 'Sovereignty' Declaration Boosts Netanyahu but Long-Term Risks Peace
Samia Nakhoul, Reuters
Nakhoul writes: "U.S. President Donald Trump's call for recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights was manna from heaven for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu two weeks before an election."

Just three crops - wheat, corn and rice - make up nearly 60 percent of the plant-based calories in most diets, according to a new report. Above, a farmer inspects a plant in her dry maize field on March 13 in Zimbabwe. (photo: Jekesai Njikizana/AFP/Getty Images)
Just three crops - wheat, corn and rice - make up nearly 60 percent of the plant-based calories in most diets, according to a new report. Above, a farmer inspects a plant in her dry maize field on March 13 in Zimbabwe. (photo: Jekesai Njikizana/AFP/Getty Images)

For a Healthier Planet, Eat These 50 Foods, Campaign Urges
Eleanor Beardsley, NPR
Beardsley writes: "Why would a wildlife conservation organization be involved in a campaign to push people to diversify their diets? As it turns out, the way we humans eat is very much linked to preserving wildlife - and many other issues."

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