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Monday, September 30, 2019

Dear Countercurrentsers, Are We Really Making A Difference?

Dear Friend,

In this issue we analyse the Greta Thunberg phenomenon from multiple angles.

Dear Countercurrentsers, I'm in a moment of self doubt. Are we really making a difference?

Kindly support honest journalism to survive.

If you think the contents of this news letter are critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here

In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

Sea Levels Are Rising and So Are We!
by Tom Engelhardt

So, yes, there’s always the possibility that civilization as we know it might be in the process of ending on this planet. But there’s another possibility as well, one lodged in the living hopes and
dreams of all those kids across a world that is already, in a sense, beginning to burn. It’s the possibility that something else is beginning, too. And it’s never too late for something new. Increasing numbers of the young are now starting to make demands and, in the wake of that march, I have the feeling that the demanding won’t stop until they get at least some of what they want — and the rest of us so desperately need.

The emperor’s new clothes:  Greta Thunberg and the climate contrarians
by Dr Andrew Glikson

It is not an accident that fascist philosophies and movements willfully ignore human-induced global warmingleading to the Sixth mass extinction of species, the largest since 56 million years ago. The nature of denialists is manifest in their venting of hate on the 16 years-old Gerta Thunberg, the voice of a generation destined to face the global warming
calamity perpetrated by sections of humanity.

First law of humanity – don’t kill your children(Hans Joachim Schellnhuber)
It is not an accident that fascist philosophies and movements willfully ignore human-induced global warmingleading to the Sixth mass extinction of species, the largest since 56 million years ago. The nature of denialists is manifest in their venting of hate on the 16 years-old Gerta Thunberg, the voice of a generation destined to face the global warming calamity perpetrated by sections of humanity.
“But the Emperor has nothing at all on!” said a little child(Hans Christian Anderson)
There is nothing moral about the fundamentalists telling children they may be burning in hell if they sin on Earth, while ignoring the evidence of the inferno facing future generations as the atmosphere is heated by greenhouse gas emissions, plunging the planet into a hothouse Earth.
In their panic the denialists attribute the girl’s views, which are consistent with climate science, to her asperger syndrome or smear her as mentally ill, ignoring many with this syndrome are highly intelligent people. By extension they dismiss the basic laws of physics, climate science and the consensus on global warming, which the 16 years-old reiterates.
Greta Thunberg
While the destruction of the habitability of Earth is in progress, rather than comprehend the extreme consequences of global warming the contrarians appear to be alarmed by the voice of a teenage girl, just in case this may deprive the industry of death from their enormous profits. Further, these people instinctively correlate attempts at defending life on Earth with “left” socialist ideas.
The history of H. sapiens is dominated by a conflict between life-enhancing forces and the life-destroying conduct, carnage and wars, the cycle symbolized in the Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva cycle in Hindu mythology.Climate change has not been invented by “conservatives”but once its fatal consequences have become manifest it fits well with the “survival of the fittest” ideology,denying science, nature and life.
Such conflicts originate in the natural world, however once a species has acquired a range of lethal techniques—chemical detonation, atom splitting,radiation, biological warfare—the survival of the fittest paradigm becomes a recipe for global suicide, compounded by the lunacy of seeking shelter on other planets.
Global governance and legal systems are not designed to cope with this ultimate danger. Elaborate legal systems exist to collect taxes or enforce traffic rules, but no courts exist to prevent the powers that be from changing the composition for the atmosphere, thereby leading to one of the greatest mass extinction of species the Earth has suffered.
Andrew GliksonEarth and climate scientist

Veritable Uprising or it’s The (Faux) Real Thing™: Greta and Climate Activism in a Wilderness of Projections
by Phil Rockstroh and Kenn Orphan

The Greta phenomenon should prove less than complicated to suss out, from a leftist perspective, with the exception of those whose approach and perceptions are gripped by magical thinking and/or a host of the kind of saviour projections that arrive in psychical constellation — and are concretised— around the archetype of the Divine Child.

Thunberg’s Problem. A Problem Without A Solution?
by Saral Sarkar

Today, Thunberg and young people of that ilk do not have any ideal, nor this kind of confidence. Whereas we were fighting for an ideal human society, they are
only fighting for bare survival of human society as they know it. And they, generally, hardly see any hope of succeeding, i.e. unless some miracle happens

Starvation may force nations to war
by Nivedita Khandekar

A stark warning that the exposure of more and more people to water scarcity, hunger and outright starvation may lead to the “failure of fragile states and regional conflicts” has been given by the United Nations as it attempts to galvanize governments into halting the spread of deserts before more cropland is lost.

Trump’s Major Crimes
by John Scales Avery

The long-delayed impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump are finally starting, but at present the focus is on a relatively minor crime – the Ukrane-Biden scandal. However, Trump has committed (and is still committing) major crimes, and these ought to be in the spotlight.
Let us look at a few of them. Let’s look at his major crimes, rather than at minor ones

When Convenience Counts: Leaking, Whistleblowing and the Democrats
by Dr Binoy Kampmark

Coming on the heels of another juicy sample from President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who had testified before the House Judiciary Committee on efforts by Trump to recruit him to halt the Russia probe, a rumour was filtering through: a whistleblower from the intelligence community, it seemed, had been irate about the president’s conduct.

A tale wrapped between love and hate: Some remarks on the recent development of Russian-Israeli relations
by Punsara Amarasinghe & Anastasia Glazova

The recent statement of Russian leader
Vladimir Putin on Israel describing it as a Russian speaking country has gained an enormous attention from world media. few days after making such an audacious statement Russia allowed Syrian forces to activate their aircraft missiles against Israeli airstrike which simply shows the paradoxical nature of Russian-Israeli relations since the inception of Israel.

Rouhani’s Hormuz Peace Endeavor
by Dr Elias Akleh

Comparing Iranian president Hassan Rouhani’s speech with that of President Trump’s at the 74th United Nations General Assembly Session this week one cannot but notice the stark differences between their tones, their goals and their contents.

New India – New Father of Nation?
by Subhash Gatade

Amruta Fadnavis – wife of Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis – found herself at the centre of controversy two weeks back.
Her birthday greetings to PM Modi – whom she wished ‘Father of Our Country @narendramodiji a very Happy Birthday -…’ – on her twitter evoked reaction from twitterati. Her ‘height of ignorance’,  was pointed out and her attempt was called ‘sycophancy at its top’

Indians Need To Place Themselves In Position Of Kashmiris To Understand Their Travails
by Sandeep Pandey

If any citizen of India feels indignation with this above described imaginary scenario then s(he) should feel empathy for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

India, Pakistan, Kashmir: Taking the war option off the table
by Zia Mian, Abdul H. Nayyar, Sandeep Pandey, M. V. Ramana

It is possible that, with war taken off the table, the fears and misgivings India and Pakistan have
nurtured for decades would begin to diminish. This would allow their arms race to subside. Economy, politics, and culture could begin to move away from a focus on mutual hostility and confrontation to accommodation and cooperation. The poor in both countries could hope to benefit from the peace dividend.

Triumph of People Power
by Pradeep Baisakh

On 7th September, thousands of people gathered at the Raj Mahal square in Bhubaneswar, the capital city of Odisha and protested against the implementation of the newly amended Motor Vehicle Act, 2019

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