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Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Monday, September 30, 2019



The lies that work

It used to be that centrist Democrats would simply ignore
Medicare for All.

Now that they can't do that anymore, they're spending
donor money - most of it from Democrats - to figure out
how to kill support in the party for single payer.

According to a Bloomberg piece published yesterday, 
a new poll by a firm linked to Joe Biden is testing 
messages designed to undercut support among 
Democrats for Medicare for All.

"The survey, commissioned by the centrist Democratic
think tank Third Way, found that primary voters start off f
avoring the government-run health care system by a margin 
of 70% to 21%, but can be persuaded to oppose it.
The study showed that Democrats are most swayed by the
arguments that the program would impose a heavy cost 
on taxpayers and threaten Medicare for senior citizens."
Of course, Medicare for All would actually mean lower costs for middle and lower income families, and Medicare would be expanded to finally provide comprehensive coverage to seniors (and everyone else!)

The only effective way they've found to compromise the case for single payer is to lie about the benefits of a national plan and scare us into fighting over the crumbs of a private health insurance system that stratifies patients by design.
 We don't have financial resources to match our opponents' - but we have people. And Healthcare-NOW's work supporting Medicare for All activists all across the country is essential to inoculating the public against these attacks and keeping the fire burning for the only real solution to our healthcare crisis.

Please donate during our emergency fundraising drive and help keep us fighting!

This isn't a fight between Republicans and Democrats; it's a fight between corporate interests and everyone else, and people deserve to know where these messages are coming from. Help us amplify this leak by sharing on Twitter and Facebook.

In solidarity,

Ben and Stephanie
Healthcare-NOW staff

Healthcare-NOW is a grassroots organization that fights to end the health insurance crisis by educating and advocating for improved Medicare-for-All legislation, such as H.R.1384.  

9A Hamilton Place
BostonMA 02108
United States

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