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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tell Rupert Murdoch's Turkeys to Stuff It

Please consider adding your name to support the Affordable Care Act to provide ALL Americans with health care.

Tell Murdoch's Turkeys to Stuff ItFor years Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal has been the mouthpiece of right-wing whack-jobs determined to destroy the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Nearly every day the editorial board mounts predictable attacks on the ACA to feed the tea party crazies and denigrate President Obama. Murdoch’s Journal editors also regularly turn over their opinion pages to the Republican extremists determined to put insurance companies back in charge of your health care. These writers include some of the lawyers who led last year’s ACA challenge at the U.S. Supreme Court. Yesterday the high court agreed to decide whether all company health plans must provide no-cost birth control to workers even if the company owners have religious objections, and some of those lawyers are involved again. We can expect a slew of Journal opinion pieces by them in their brazen attempt to lobby the justices to accept their crazy legal theories.

The Journal regularly gives space to every political hack from the many Koch brothers-backed front groups and think tanks devoted to killing health reform. And we can’t forget that Murdoch’s turkeys give a regular column to GOP hatchet-man and dark-money manipulator Karl Rove.

We have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to the Affordable Care Act: health care is now a right in the United States, we can't be denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions, we no longer have lifetime caps on our coverage, and there are now rules that limit how much profit big insurers can suck out of consumers' pockets. Let the Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal editors know that people who value this law are on to them.


Will O'Neill
Health Care for America Now

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