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Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Sunday, June 26, 2016

This & that.....

Michael Keane Google: 1200 Trillion Dollars and "Derivatives". The millionaire class has elected to protect the banks, despite the FACT: 1200 Trillion-owed to criminal behaviors, renders the "Federal Reserve Notes" worthless, as "hyper-inflationary. CRIMINAL BEHAVIORS! It is Treason to deny the Rule of Law to protect your millions, as an elected politician, while your behavior is also intended to protect a FOREIGN PRESENCE IN THE US TREASURY. The Clintons deregulated "Derivatives". There is now, so much money owed to the PRIVATELY-OWNED AND OPERATED BANKING CARTEL MASQUERADING AS YOUR "FEDERAL RESERVE", in the form of "Derivatives" that the banks and the politicians, in their pocket, are, ipso-facto: "INSOLVENT". The political class has abandoned the electorate to curry favor with foreign-owned banks that are proven to be using American Mortgages to launder terror and drug cartel money: Google, "HSBC", "Bank of America", "Wells Fargo" and couple with, "Terror and drug money". I feel like I should be standing on my head...

Every title to every home is corrupted. There isn't one, single, legitimate REMIC Trust. They are all "legal fiction". Obama's chapter 11 restructure of GM was hijacked and a "shell company", "Residential Capital" was used to pay-off all the mortgages within F&F ( The government, like a mafia, has now essentially, kidnapped F&F and are using the fully-paid "mortgages" within the Portfolio of F&F to perpetrate fraud, based on forgeries and Naked short sales. The money (monthly "mortgage payments" on "loans" that were paid-off already by unknown 3rd parties- illegal, in-and-of-itself, as "Tertiary financing") being generated by the fully-paid "loans" within F&F is being used to re-capitalize the banks after they destroyed themselves through "Sub Prime Lending". The "Financial Crisis" was orchestrated by the bankers in order to capitalize and thereby replenish their lost revenue, in order to survive any investigation into their "Capital Reserve Requirements". They are "re-capitalizing" through "Notional Derivatives". Currently, these "Notional Derivatives" are owing to criminal, inter-bank debts that are in excess of 1200 Trillion Dollars. The banks stole police, fire, teacher and Public Union Pension Funds, Nurse Pensions etc. and then began using the "loans" those pensions paid, in-full to launder terror and drug cartel money. Google: HSBC Bank, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and couple your search with "terror and drug Cartel money". The "MERS" is the original, phony, fraudulent "Shell Company" and "Residential Capital" stepped in after the MERS came under fire, to complete the destruction wrought by Obama's HAMP NONSENSE. It is a deliberate attack against the Sovereignty of the American People and the banks are using what they describe as our own currency, to destroy the US as a viable Democracy. 1200 Trillion Dollars, owed to inter-bank, criminal behaviors, renders the phony, "Federal Reserve- neither of those things, btw", as using counterfeit funds to perpetrate fraud (1200 Trillion is 20 times the combined GDP of every country, on the planet, an impossible sum). Enter the TPP, after the banks install a new puppet; whether Clinton or Trump. If you doubt the banks and their puppets have elected to destroy "representative democracy", I suggest you visit the events in Flint, Michigan. Get your head out of your butt. The banks are fixing to destroy the United states. The good news is: the "Federal Reserve Notes" are fraudulent. There is no mechanism within Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution for a foreign, privately-owned and operated, criminal cartel to hijack the well-being of the finances of the United States.

Investigate and Jail the bankers, their puppets; the media and corrupted political class. Senator Sanders, We The People, Abe Lincoln's Greenback Dollar 2016.

Jerry Wolfe

It's as simple of a decision as this.
The threat of a shit talking potentially evil Trump is far eclipsed by the proven track record of a long term actual shit doing demonstrably evil, a.k.a. Hillary Clinton.

Have you noticed like I have that over the past few weeks, 
maybe longer, some of the main players in the Republican 
establishment have been “warming up” to…

While Democratic Party leaders discuss the prospects of
unity after a grueling…


Daily Kos

Despite its claims to want to unify voters ahead of November's 
election, the Democratic party appears to be pushing for an agenda 
that critics say ignores…

Josh King to Bernie Sanders Activists
3 hrs
FB took this down when someone else posted it. Here y'all go..

A great many people agree with Alexander...
VN Alexander

I don't care if Donald Trump is elected. The American people deserve him. It's our fault for voting for the lesser of evils all these years and for putting up with corruption. If Trump were President, Democrats might start speaking up when the President commits war crimes, favors the banking industry and large corporations over the people. It won't happen, because the political insiders (GOP and Democrat) are manipulating the election to make Hillary win and make the TransPacific Trade Partnership go through. Enjoy the distraction of this meaningless election, while the real people in power continue to destroy democrac

Andrew Burgess to Bernie Sanders' Dank Meme Stash

We do it right over here in Scotland 😁😁

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