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Saturday, October 19, 2019

A titan of oversight

He seemed to intuitively understand and revel in how his work as chairman of the oversight committee was both essential for his constituents and the country.
Elijah Cummings

The Passing of a National Leader

Chairman Elijah Cummings was a titan of congressional oversight. He seemed to intuitively understand and revel in how his work as chairman of the oversight committee was both essential for his constituents and the country. We had the opportunity to work with him and his tremendous staff over the years, and his commitment was apparent, not just when he was up on the dais, but in those little moments in passing when he would explain why stopping the abuse of power mattered so much.

Independent watchdogs said Dunlap's involvement raises concerns about whether he improperly influenced EPA's actions on formaldehyde, which is widely used in wood composites, building materials, insulation, fabrics and glue. As deputy assistant administrator for science policy, Dunlap is the top political official in EPA’s Office of Research and Development — a post that allowed him to avoid the Senate confirmation process.

“Despite the fact he knew a draft recusal was being created, he stepped into an area where he knew he had a conflict of interest,” said Scott Amey, general counsel at the independent Project on Government Oversight.

“The timing of this doesn’t pass the sniff test. It really does appear he wanted to weigh in on the formaldehyde issue for as long as he could,” he added.


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