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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

RSN: The Betrayal of Cecily McMillan

It's Live on the HomePage Now: 
Reader Supported News

Marc Ash | The Betrayal of Cecily McMillan 
(photo: Giles Clarke) New York Police arrest a demonstrator on day 7 of the Occupy Wall Street Demonstrations, 09/23/11. 
Marc Ash, Reader Supported News 
Ash writes: “If Cecily McMillan can be convicted by twelve New Yorkers of assaulting a police officer, based on the evidence presented at her trial, then anyone can be convicted of anything, anywhere – regardless of the facts. Congratulations to the New American Security State.” 
EPA Unveils New Proposal Targeting Greenhouse Gases 
Bill Chappell, National Public Radio 
Chappell writes: “New federal regulations announced Monday aim to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by 30 percent by 2030. The draft proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency has sparked opposition from industry groups who say the changes would be prohibitively expensive. But the proposal's backers say the rules are needed to cut carbon pollution that scientists say contributes to climate change.” 
10 Supreme Court Game-Changers Looming 
National Constitution Center 
Excerpt: “The Supreme Court faces another historic June, with at least 10 major case decisions to be announced. Here is your brief guide to these cases, some major decisions already announced, and resources about the decisions.” 
Rebecca Solnit | #YesAllWomen Changes the Story: Our Words Are Our Weapons 
Rebecca Solnit, TomDispatch 
Solnit writes: “The murderer at Isla Vista was also repeatedly called ‘aberrant,’ as if to emphasize that he was nothing like the rest of us. But other versions of such violence are all around us, most notably in the pandemic of hate toward and violence against women.” 
Senate Campaign Spending Bill Must Address Corporate Personhood, Money as Speech 
Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Common Dreams 
Sopoci-Belknap writes: “Remember back in 2009 before the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court ruling when the U.S political and legal system wasn’t about prioritizing the interests of the extraordinarily wealthy, but instead was fair and just no matter what your social status?” 
Gun Lobby Funding Lawsuits All Over America 
Eric Segall, The Daily Beast 
Segall writes: “The gun lobby is currently funding lawsuits all over America, trying to invalidate local, state, and federal gun restrictions. Important gun legislation has recently been invalidated by federal appellate judges in Illinois and California.” 
Indian Police Turn Water Cannons on Anti-Rape Protesters 
Al Jazeera America 
Excerpt: “Indian police used water cannons Monday to disperse hundreds of women protesting violence against women in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, where two teenagers were gang-raped and found hanging from a tree last week.” 

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