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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Keeping Poor Women in Their Place

Too many haven't figured out that this is an economic issue.

Dirt-poor, underfed, underemployed Arkansans got just what the doctor ordered this week. The House overrode the governor's veto of a ban on all abortions past 20 weeks. An even more stringent bill is on the way, cutting off abortions after 12 weeks.

 Women there surely can't drive to Alabama or Mississippi to get an abortion, though. See, those two states are leading the fight for an outright ban on abortion. In Jackson, Mississippi, only one women's clinic was left in the whole state. The anti-choice governor, lt. gov., and GOP bigwigs passed a law that said abortion clinic doctors must have hospital admitting privileges.
Then they huddled with the CEOs and board chairMEN of the 7 local hospitals, urging them to refuse to even let the doctor apply for admitting any of the hospitals. Easy, right? No privileges, no doctor, and the last women's clinic in the state closes.
Alabama thinks the plan is nifty, so they're following the federally-illegal but state-legal plan. No admitting privileges? No abortions. And we won't even let you apply for those privileges. Done, and done.
These three Red States have some of the highest teen-pregnancy rates, the lowest household incomes, the lowest SAT scores and weakest graduation rates in the nation. Oh, and they're "Takers." Yep, they *take* huge piles of Federal Aid cash each year, allegedly to help their dirt-poor, uneducated, citizens better their lives. Yet their lives never get better.
Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi don't cotton to Big Government, though. That's how their GOP lunatic-fringe leaders have created this nauseating end-run around Roe v. Wade, a federal case approved by the US Supreme Court 40 years ago. In their leaders' eyes, the womenfolk are required to have those unwanted, unsupported babies because the Bible tells them so.
Where the hell is the U.S. Dept. of Justice in all this? With any luck, they're planning to take a lawsuit from each of these states all the way to the Supreme Court, so that women's rights aren't stripped away and Federal law isn't spat upon. But if they are planning a fight, they know it's an uphill battle. Why?
Because in states like Mississippi, where slavery was just "officially" outlawed *last week,* poor and uneducated women don't stand a chance against rich, white, male religious extremists. And because this Supreme Court, dominated by conservatives and the sub-human piece of dreck known as Scalia, aren't likely to think this clever little end-run is a problem.
This GOP/Tea Party strategy works, and will succeed in many other Southern states; they love all that big gub'mint cash, but they ain't gonna take no Federal laws. So missy, you just sit down and knit you some booties for that baby, who'll bring you closer to God. 'Cause this here's a States' Rights issue. Y'ALL. *h/mSee More

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