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Thursday, April 3, 2014

CounterCurrents: The Dimming Prospects For Human Survival, et al

Dear Friend,

If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here You can also follow us on twitter, and on Facebook,

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Ballad of Resistance
By Leena Manimekalai

"Ballad of Resistance" is a video portrait of indigenous tribal journalist and activist Dayamani Barla, her perseverance and tireless fight against corporations and the state machinery. The film follows how she, from a humble background became one of the pioneering adivasi journalists of India and later a writer-activis

What To Do When You Suspect We’re Headed For Collapse
By Rob Dietz

In this age of worldwide environmental and social turmoil, it’s natural to want to help. It’s also natural to wonder how you can possibly make a difference. These troubled times prompt each of us to ask a simple, but absolutely critical question: “What should I do?”

The Dimming Prospects For Human Survival
By Noam Chomsky

What are the prospects for survival then? They are not bright. But the achievements of those who have struggled for centuries for greater freedom and justice leave a legacy that can be taken up and carried forward - and must be, and soon, if hopes for decent survival are to be sustained. And nothing can tell us more eloquently what kind of creatures we are

Carbon Delirium: Shooting Up On Big Energy
By Michael T. Klare

The Last Stage of Fossil-Fuel Addiction and Its Hazardous Impact on American Foreign Policy

Break The System By Creating Something New

Interventionists Planning Chemical Attack On Damascus While Death Toll Reaches 150,000 In Syria
By Countercurrents

Interventionists are planning to launch attacks using chemical weapons in Jobar area, Damascus, and to accuse the Syrian government of it, Syria's Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar Al-Jaafari said April 1, 2014

CIA Misled Government And People On Interrogation Program, Says Senate Report
By Countercurrents

The CIA misled the government and the public about aspects of its brutal interrogation program for years. The intelligence agency concealed details about the severity of its methods, overstating the significance of plots and prisoners. Even, the agency took credit for critical pieces of intelligence that detainees had in fact surrendered before they were subjected to harsh techniques. These were the conclusions made in a report by the Senate Intelligence Committee

Poetry As Spiritual Practice: An Interview With Alicen Grey
By Mickey Z.

Alicen Grey is the author of Wolves and Other Nightmares, a provocative, lyrical, and just-released collection of her poems and prose from Hologram Press. In the age of memes and irony, she chooses verse and metaphor as her avenues of expression. Chronicling her spiritual journey, Grey lays bare the trauma, the insights, the lessons, and the redemption. This is the “beautiful poetry” Rumi warns us about -- but you best check your illusions at the door

Western Hypocrisy: US Alliance Sanctions Russia Over Crimea-Backed Reunion
While Backing Apartheid Israel's Occupation And Ongoing Palestinian Genocide
By Dr Gideon Polya

The war criminal leaders of the US Alliance condemn Russia but have remorselessly backed democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel in its over 46 year Occupation of Palestine and its ongoing Palestinian Genocide. However in advocating and applying Sanctions against Russia and Crimea the Western war criminals have unwittingly shown what decent people should do: they should apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel, its supporters and the war criminals of the US Alliance involved in an ongoing Muslim Genocide

The Goal Of The BDS Movement Is Justice: Israel Denies Justice
And Therefore Does Not Exist As A Legitimate State
By William A. Cook

Justice and legitimacy are one and inexorably linked to the Charters and Declarations of the United Nations. This is a truth that Michael J. Rosenberg does not address as he castigates the supporters of the BDS movement in his recent article: “The Goal of the BDS Movement is the Dismantling of Israel.”

Protesters The USA Supports, Protesters The USA Opposes, And Why
By Robert Barsocchini

The obvious conclusion is that the USA/West is an anti-democracy; a violent military empire that supports anything it can get away with that will further its domination of the planet, and opposes anything that hinders its domination

Extra-Judicial Killings In Philippines
By Brian McAfee

On March 25, William Bugatti, a 43 year old human rights worker for Karapatan, one of the Philippines main human rights organizations, Bugatti was shot to death. He was the 12th activist killed so far this year

Stopping The Corporate Plunder Of The TTIP/TAFTA
By Campaigning For An Alternative Trade Mandate
By Colin Todhunter

A European alliance of over 50 civil society organizations are in the process of launching the ‘Alternative Mandate' pledge campaign , calling on European Parliament election candidates to make EU trade and investment policy serve people and the planet, not just the profit of a few large corporations

Lenin On The Paris Commune (1871): An Heroic Uprising
By Thomas Riggins

Chapter Three of State and Revolution is devoted to Lenin's commentary on Marx's analysis of the 1871 Paris Commune. It is divided into five parts. This article deals with the first part of the chapter

The Struggle For Humanity
By Robert J. Burrowes

Humans are on the brink of precipitating our own extinction because a substantial proportion of the population – including all of the global elite and most of its agents – has been terrorised into insanity during childhood. Unless we radically alter our approach to parenting and all of our social institutions so that they nurture, rather than destroy, the genetic potential of each human being, we are doomed to extinction, whether sooner or later. The struggle to save humanity is, obviously, a monumental undertaking. And will require fearless endeavour in pursuit of this objective by those of us who remain sane enough to recognise, acknowledge and act on the problem

What Should We Do In These Elections?
By Prem Kumar Mani

What should we do? My request would be that you should study the political scenario deeply. In no case should you give your vote to the corrupt, the immoral and the debauch. Vote you must, but use your vote in a manner that preserves and protects the democratic polity of the country and keeps open scope for discourse, debate and dissent

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