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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

RSN: Happy Tax Day, and Why the Top 1% Pay a Much Lower Tax Rate Than You, America on Lockdown: Why the Private Prison Industry Is Exploding, et al

FOCUS: Robert Reich | Happy Tax Day, and Why the Top 1% Pay a Much Lower Tax Rate Than You
Economist, professor, author and political commentator Robert Reich. (photo: Richard Morgenstein)
Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog
Reich writes: "Many millionaires pay a lower federal tax rate than many middle-class Americans. Some don't pay any federal taxes at all."

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Juan Cole | Top Six Pulitzer Prize "Traitors" in American Journalism
Journalists Laura Poitras and Glenn Greenwald helped The Guardian win a Pulitzer Prize for public service along with The Washington Post Monday, for their stories based on NSA documents provided by Edward Snowden. (photo: Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images)
Juan Cole, Informed Comment
Cole writes: "The Pulitzer Prize committee's opinion that Edward Snowden is a public servant rather than a traitor or criminal, as evidenced in its award to The Guardian and The Washington Post for their reporting from his trove of government documents, is a scandal on the American Right. But it is not a new scandal."

Nick Turse | How Not to End Violence in a War-Torn Land
Nick Turse, TomDispatch
Turse writes: "Is the U.S. secretly training Libyan militiamen in the Canary Islands? And if not, are they planning to?"

Edward Snowden | I Am Grateful to the Pulitzer Prize Committee
Edward Snowden, Reader Supported News
Snowden writes: "Today's decision is a vindication for everyone who believes that the public has a role in government."

America on Lockdown: Why the Private Prison Industry Is Exploding
Aaron Cantu, AlterNet
Cantu writes: "What was Kavanagh frantically trying to accomplish for his constituents at the last minute? Extra funding for education, since Arizona spends less on educating its children than all but three states? No, Rep. John Kavanagh was trying to secure an extra $900,000 gift for the GEO Group, the billion-dollar private prison corporation."

Death From Above: How American Drone Strikes Are Devastating Yemen
Vivian Salama, Rolling Stone
Salama writes: "The people of Yemen can hear destruction before it arrives. In cities, towns and villages across this country, which hangs off the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula, the air buzzes with the sound of American drones flying overhead."

Minnesota and Mining: Our Children, Our Waters and Wild Rice Are Political Pawns
C.A. Arneson, MinnPost
Arneson writes: "Whatever happened to putting the health of the public front and center? The people of northeastern Minnesota have been corporate victims for far too long."

Rhinos Face Extinction by 2020, Wildlife Experts Warn
Amel Ahmed, Al Jazeera America
Ahmed writes: "Rhinoceros in the wild will be extinct by 2020 if poachers continue to hunt them unabated at ever-rising numbers, wildlife experts warned at a recent summit in South Africa."

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