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Friday, November 16, 2018

This & that......


The NRA attacked doctors who deal with GUN VIOLENCE. 

David Shor
'Stay in your lane,' NRA tells doctors who want to reduce gun deaths . These are some of their responses:
My lane is a pregnant woman shot in a moment of rage by her partner. She survived because the baby stopped the bullet. Have you ever had to deliver a shattered baby?
#ThisisMyLane . What’s yours? #Docs4GunSense
I worked in a trauma unit and had to hold together the skull of a young man who was shot in the head, so we could wrap it up enough for his family to see him and say goodbye. #ThisisMyLane
My Lane? A 20 year old navy enlisted man shot in the chest, by another driver with an unlicensed 357, while driving his young wife to the hospital delivery room. Worked vigorously for five hours in the OR to save his life, but his heart gave out due the the bullet's damage to it.
My lane” is a pregnant woman in back seat of car, shot in a drive by. Bullet went through baby and mom’s spinal cord.
#Docs4GunSense #ThisISMyLane @thosewecarry
.NRA says docs should “stay in [our] lane.
My lane: a resident, watching my mentor desperately try to save a 6 year old accidentally shot by his brother. When he knew it over, he stopped, held the boys hand and wept at the OR table as he died.
#ThisisMyLane What's yours?
Hiding 20 - 28 children in a bathroom or a corner of the classroom, practicing how to stay quiet and alive in case somebody who wants to hurt us is in our school.
I mentally rehearse defence/ escape routes in the event that the somebody enters our room. #ThisISMyLane
Do you have any idea how many bullets I pull out of corpses weekly? This isn’t just my lane. It’s my fucking highway.
I work in interpersonal violence prevention mostly now, but I'm working with communities where many of the people have lost loved ones and community members to some incarnation of gun violence, usually domestic violence. #itsmylane
We kept him alive just long enough for his family to say goodbye.
NRA you have yet again stoked the fire within us. We have not and will not stop fighting for our communities and our patients. #ThisISOurLane #guncontrol @MomsDemand
To paraphrase someone else, this isn't just your lane, it's your highway!

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I can't stop and leave this alone . . . I find his behavior so DISRESPECTFUL. Why are people giving him a pass? If Obama or any other president had actually flown in to the place where the Memorial was going to be held, but opted to stay in his hotel room rather than attend because of RAIN and Wind, there would be such a protest . . .

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