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Friday, July 26, 2019

Raccoon’s hand swells four times its size after getting stuck in can

Raccoon’s hand swells four times its size after getting stuck in can 
Joe Roberts 
21 Jul 2019 

JB Green Team is with Cheryl Georgiana and 2 others.
Please don't litter....littering hurts!!

Image result for RACCOON'S HAND SWELLS

A raccoon nearly lost its hand after getting it stuck in a can that was thrown away in a forest. The poor animal was found struggling to walk or eat with its paw trapped in the sharp can. 

Animal rescuers were called to the woods in Collins, New York, US, and the raccoon was rushed to a vet. Its paw was carefully freed and shocking photos show how it was red raw and swollen to nearly four times its normal size. 

Raccoons use their paws to walk, climb and eat so it will need to have ongoing medical care before it can be released back into the wild. 

The vet had to remove the ‘Twisted Tea’ can (Picture: Fox Wood Wildlife Rescue) Its hand was red raw and blistered (Picture: Fox Wood Wildlife Rescue) 

The raccoon was taken to a vet who safely removed the can (Picture: Fox Wood Wildlife Rescue) 

In a plea to the public, volunteers at the Fox Wood Wildlife Rescue said this is a ‘valuable reminder’ of the harm rubbish can do to animals. 

They wrote online: ‘If you bring something into the woods, take it out with you, don’t leave it on the ground. 

‘This “Twisted Tea” can was left on New York State forest land in Collins. 

‘A curious, healthy, young raccoon smelling the sweetness of the contents became its victim. 

‘A compassionate man who lived nearby noticed the female raccoon struggling to walk, climb and eat with the can stuck on her leg. 

It’s not known how long the raccoon’s hand was trapped for (Picture: Fox Wood Wildlife Rescue) 

The raccoon’s hand had swollen to nearly four times its normal size (Picture: Fox Wood Wildlife Rescue) 

‘He contacted Fox Wood Wildlife Rescue and a plan to capture and help the raccoon was put into place. 

‘Once captured, she was taken to Dr Reilly at the Springville Animal Hospital in Springville who kindly offered help. ‘She was anesthetized and the can carefully cut away.

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