Do any of the Tea Baggers wonder why the Koch Brothers fund the Tea Party???
Banana Republic anyone?
Have Americans lost the ability to THINK?
MOVED TO Middleboro Review 2 https://middlebororeview2.blogspot.com/
Billionaire David Koch’s prime political organization, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), having failed in its$125 million quest to oust President Barack Obama, is now aiming at a slightly less sophisticated political target: victims of Hurricane Sandy. [...]Earlier this week, AFP, which is chaired by Koch and believed to be financed by several other plutocrats from the New York City region, released a letter warning members of Congress not to vote for the proposed federal aid package for victims of the storm that swept New Jersey, New York City and much of the surrounding area in October. An announcement on the group’s website says that the vote next week for the Sandy aid package will be a “key vote”—meaning senators who support sending money for reconstruction could face an avalanche of attack ads in their next election. Already, opposition to the bill is growing, although it passed one procedural hurdle last [Friday] night. [...]
Koch’s top deputy in New Jersey, a surly gentleman named Steve Lonegan, who heads the local AFP state chapter, called the aid package a “disgrace.” “This is not a federal government responsibility,” Lonegan told reporters. “We need to suck it up and be responsible for taking care of ourselves.”
"Every day, 1,500 people die in armed conflicts around the world – one person every minute. These unregulated weapons are used to force tens of thousands of children into armed conflict and to rape women and girls in conflict zones. More than 26 million people around the globe are forced from their homes, and their livelihoods destroyed, by armed conflict.NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre rolled out his public response to the Newtown massacre one week after it happened, blaming the violence on "monsters" and everything from video games to hurricanes, but not allowing that guns and their ready availability in the US might have something to do with it. At his press conference, LaPierre was twice dramatically interrupted by peace activists from the group Code Pink.
"The NRA must immediately stand down on its campaign to block a global arms trade treaty."
"I have not seen anywhere else in the world a gun lobby that has the same level of influence on its own government as the NRA does in the United States …From the hallways of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, to Afghanistan, to Somalia, the flood of US weapons and ammunition fuels violence, death and injury. President Obama and Congress need to take action, now.
"The US buys and sells almost as much weaponry as the rest of the world combined. So what happens in the U.S. is going to have enormous impact on the rest of the world."
A woman who told police she shoved a man to his death off a subway platform into the path of a train because she hates Muslims and thought he was one was charged Saturday with murder as a hate crime, prosecutors said.What kind of perspective is Bloomberg referencing? If someone said "I shoved a Jew in front of a train because I hate Jews," would Bloomberg be touting drops in the city's annual homicide and shooting totals? Quite an insensitive comment, at the very least.
"I pushed a Muslim off the train tracks because I hate Hindus and Muslims ever since 2001 when they put down the twin towers I've been beating them up," Menendez told police, according to the district attorney's office.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday urged residents to keep Sen's death in perspective as he touted new historic lows in the city's annual homicide and shooting totals.
"It's a very tragic case, but what we want to focus on today is the overall safety in New York," Bloomberg told reporters following a police academy graduation.
Though Geller and her crew are fringe elements, they are not random or spontaneous, idiopathic lesions on the healthier whole. They are, quite sadly, part of this country, outcroppings of something big and ugly that has been seeping and creeping through the body politic for years. In the decade since September 11, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bigotry has become an entrenched feature of our political and social landscape. It lurks in the hidden corners of everyday life—in classrooms and offices and housing complexes—as well as in the ugly scenes that occasionally explode into public consciousness. In the special registration of Middle Eastern men after 9/11. In the vicious campaign against Debbie Almontaser, the American Muslim school teacher who tried to open the Arabic-language Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA) and was tarred as an extremist. In the attack on the Park51 Islamic center, more commonly (if less accurately) known as the Ground Zero mosque. In the New York Police Department’s selective surveillance of Muslim communities. And that’s just New York City. All of these instances should have called on our horror and outrage, and in all too many of them, society hasn’t lived up.This crime appears to be the latest manifestation of New York City's Islamophobia. This time, it cost a life.
As a Scientist and engineer, I'm surprised about the spin that this subject has taken, or more properly, that has been given to, in order to favor or protect someone interests. There is at least one high quality,rigorous and properly formatted study of the known (for decades) phenomena of Tin Whisker growth in circuits. This study concludes that there is a possibility of 140/1,000,000 of these whiskers to produce a failure, which is significant given the quantity of vehicles.
The study is titled: Tin whisker analysis of Toyota’s electronic throttle controls by Bhanu Sood, Michael Osterman and Michael Pecht,
Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA.
Why the government agencies have concluded this failure mechanism was not the root of the uncommanded acelerations is simply not clear to me. the study shows very clear microphotographs of the tin whiskers, and its redaction and methodology is impeccable. I've heard comments on two different groups of scientists of NASA giving their opinions on this subject, but I haven't read them yet. Regardless, this NYT article don't even mention this possibility with the appropriate importance and significance it has.
So... before ruling out electronic failures (both hardware and sofware related) government officials should work more professionally to find the thruth. Amclaussen.
Your point is valid, but if had another make of car, you would be saying exactly the same, just to that make. The industry produces a lot of defective designs, most of them minor go unnoticed; from time to time, a big one attracts the attention of the media. Remember the Ford-Firestone case: people lost lives and these companies battled each other for years, ending a previous relation. You correctly saythe information is not as quick to find. Sometime it is not freely available, but can be found talking to shops that see these errors daily. Manufacturers have their own "Code of Un-ethics", more or less the same across all them: first; deny any knowledge that a problem exists, make the owner believe his problem is not common, make him responible for it (was its fault for not following a maintenance program at the dealer-expensive). If the defect IS real, reduce the image that it is widespread. Try to charge the repair, making it appear as an "out of warranty". If all fails, make a deal & pretend it never happened. I'm a DIY person that enjoys auto repair as a hobby, I've above average knowledge of autos and a number of tools. I've heard many complaints from friends and people about design failures, material failures, factory goofes etc. I've seen MANY from ALL makes of cars. They are showing weaknesses and their ways to save money, they all fail, ones more than others, but all of them. Owners need to find the problem, and put the blame where it belongs.