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Saturday, October 13, 2012

GOP Congressman supports illegal voter suppression

GOP Congressman says he supports illegal voter suppression tactics

A typical polling station

A video of Republicans being trained to commit voter fraud has gone viral across the Internet. Now GOP lawmakers are stepping forward to defend the tactics despite their conceded illegality.
At issue are "poll watchers." These are privately paid individuals who are there, as the title would suggest, to watch polling stations and report back anything unusual to their respective employers. The other task is to hassle voters about their identification, which is a crime. In New Mexico it is illegal to require identification to vote.
As reported by New Mexico Congressman Steve Pearce defended the tactics by saying:
"We’re simply saying that we’re going to start, we’re going to take it back it into our hands. We should check for ID since you have to show an ID to do anything in America."

At the same time Peace flatly acknowledged that what he advocates for is illegal:
"It’s against New Mexico law to check for ID."
So while the Congressman is entrusted to uphold the law for all citizens he is willing to condone illegal tactics as long as they suit his own political interests.
The video in question is available...[above]... this article, as provided by

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