New Warren Ad: Scott Brown’s Votes Against Women

Against Equal Pay, Against Insurance Coverage, Against Pro-Choice Justice

Somerville, MA – Consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren, in what has been called one of her strongest moments in the Western Massachusetts debate Wednesday (10/10), highlighted Republican Scott Brown’s votes on issues important to women.  Now women in Massachusetts are speaking out against Brown’s record in the Warren campaign’s latest television ad. new television ad features Massachusetts women talking about their reaction to Brown’s votes against equal pay for equal work, against a pro-choice Supreme Court Justice and against insurance coverage for birth control.  Elizabeth Warren believes that women in Massachusetts deserve a Senator they can count on not just some of the time, but all of the time.

Video of the ad is available here.  Transcript is below.

Woman 1:  Scott Brown voted against equal pay for women.  That made me crazy.

Announcer:  Scott Brown had one bill to vote on for equal pay for women.  He voted no.

Woman 2:  I mean all you have to do is look at his voting record.

Announcer:  He had once chance to confirm a Supreme Court justice to uphold Roe v. Wade.  He voted no.

Woman 3:  I’m very disappointed.

Announcer:  One vote to protect insurance coverage for birth control.  He voted no.

Woman 4:  Scott Brown says he’s for women, but he is not.

Elizabeth Warren:  I’m Elizabeth Warren and I approve this message.

Woman 5 (vo):  Elizabeth Warren will stand up for us.