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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Across the nation, Americans joined together to oppose Tea Bagger Extremism

Americans have endured the Koch-Funded Tea Bagger Extremism that has divided the nation and shut down government, deprived many of needed services, slashed oversight, enforcement, regulation.

Across the nation, Americans are rising up, speaking out and will remove this Divisive Party from office.

It's time to restore function, civility and sanity.

Nationwide Day of Action to Tell the GOP: #CeaseAndDesist

A broad coalition of progressive organizations are fighting back against the #GOPShutdown and demanding that Speaker Boehner and extremist Republicans Cease and Desist. House Republicans need to do their job -- stop the shutdown and pay our nation's bills.
  1. We are proud to join with allies from across the progressive movement! Sponsors include, American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), AFL-CIO, AFSCME, SEIU, Campaign for Community Change, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Alliance for Retired Americans, Democracy for America, Health Care for American Now.
    Quotes from the Executive Director's of USAction and “Enough is enough. Today we are issuing orders to Republicans in Congress to cease and desist their game of political gridlock and do their jobs – reopen Government and increase the debt limit so America can continue to pay our bills,” said Fred Azcarate, Executive Director of USAction. “Do Republicans really want to go down as the party that caused the first default in our nation’s history in order to deny health care and slash Social Security and Medicare benefits for millions? Instead of protecting our families and our communities by building prosperity for all, they are pulling the rug out from under the American Dream.”

    “Today, MoveOn members are taking to the streets to express their frustration over the GOP’s reckless government shutdown and their outrage over the fact that members of Congress who support the shutdown are still being paid and receiving perks, such as gym access, while 800,000 workers have been furloughed without pay,” said Anna Galland, Executive Director of, who cosponsored the events. “MoveOn members are committed to making sure Republicans in Congress pay a political price for their hypocritical and destructive behavior.”

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