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Friday, October 4, 2013

Capitol Police Unpaid Because of Republican Temper Tantrum

The Capitol Police risked their lives and are UNPAID because of the Republican Temper Tantrum!

Driver killed after car chase from White House to Capitol

 Two officers were injured in the chase along Pennsylvania Avenue, but only one, a U.S. Capitol Police officer, was treated at a hospital. He was later released.

“Whoa! Whoa!,” Secret Service officers were shouting at the car, according to a witness, Shawn Joseph, 29. “It looked liked [the driver was] scared or lost. I thought they might have been a tourist.”

But then, witnesses said, officers tried to place a barrier in front of the car. The driver swerved. The officers moved the barrier. She hit it, and a Secret Service officer was thrown up on the hood and then off the car.

Both houses of Congress came back later in the day and offered thanks to the Capitol Police. The House gave officers a standing ovation. Senate staffers were distributing small black buttons reading “THANK YOU, CAPITOL POLICE” with a picture of the Capitol Dome.

Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) said he had called the injured Capitol Police officer, and the officer said he would be fine. Reid added that the officer said, “The only thing I do every day is to make sure you and everyone who works up here is safe.”

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