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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Democrats Already Compromised on Budget

Why does it make sense for the Republican Hostage Takers to fund only certain section of government?
Today's news from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.):

Democrats Already Compromised on Budget: The Senate-passed funding resolution to run the government represents a major compromise by Democrats who accepted more across-the-board cuts known as sequestration in order to avoid a costly government shutdown. "The continuing resolution, the $968 billion we passed, is much, much lower than it should have been," Sen. Bernie Sanders told Ed Schultz on MSNBC. "We did that in order to get [House Speaker John] Boehner to agree to avoid a shutdown."

Furloughed Workers Want Shutdown to End: Federal workers rallied outside of the Capitol on Friday to demand an end to the shutdown that has furloughed federal workers. Sen. Sanders spoke at the rally, MSNBC, WCAX-TV and Politico reported. Sanders told the crowd that the House would vote for a bill to reopen the government if only the speaker would allow a vote. "If Mr. Boehner brought that bill to the floor it woul
d pass tomorrow. That's what he has got to do. Let's put our people back to work. Let democracy rule,” Sanders said on WPTZ-TV and New England Cable News.

Vermont Senators Back Guard Pay: Sen. Sanders wrote to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel expressing support for National Guard and reserve members to be treated like other military personnel and continue receiving pay during the shutdown, Roll Call, WFFF-TV and WVNY-TV reported.

Sanders Backs Veterans Benefits: Democrats have gone along with a few carve-outs to the shutdown, most notably agreeing to pay military salaries, but for the most part they have refused to entertain bills to open war memorials, fund the NIH, fund the veterans department and take other steps to reopen specific federal functions. Sen. Sanders has argued in favor of a bill funding veterans’ programs, but other Democrats say they must stand unified against what they have called GOP "gimmicks," The Washington Post reported.

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