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Middleboro Review 2



Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Friday, October 4, 2013

Dismissed! #2


Mr. Toyota U.S.A. had a little unprofessional snitty fit when he sent an email to the LEMON LADY's attorney on MONDAY [Sept. 30] and she didn't IMMEDIATELY respond.

With no explanation, Mr. Toyota U.S.A announced WE would be in court. Huh?

Ahhhh.....A few more BILLABLE HOURS!

Ms. Toyota U.S.A. appeared....kudos for being on time! [at least she wasn't chasing attorneys  across the parking lot again]

Ms. Toyota was there to argue for a CHANGE OF WORDING [that she refused to reveal] that could have been acomplished by phone, fax, mail or alternative communication method. a BAD re-run that wasn't good the first time, we've done this before....[this is the problem with automatic 'reciprocity' and lack a familiarity with states' court systems]

except...the Presiding Judge intervened.....

The attractive Presiding Judge seemed bogged down with lengthy criminal cases with lengthy testimony.....3 witnesses left in a complex case......that promised to be hours....

LEMON LADY's attorney conferred, offered to write an AGREEMENT that RE-WORDED the MOTION......just what Ms. Toyota U.S.A. wanted.....

Ms. Toyota U.S.A. lacked the authority to sign an agreement to the wording she came to argue....

Ms. Toyota U.S.A. commented on the 3 HOUR TIME DIFFERENCE! Huh? 

California permission required to agree to specified wording?

Ms. Toyota U.S.A. was granted permission...LEMON LADY's attorney prepared agreement to be recorded with the court, signed by the judge, added to the growing stack of papers....

suddenly....a young man who had been seated in the courtroom during comings, goings,
court recesses and our conferencing.....stepped forward.....


indicating he represented ROUTE 44 TOYOTA.....huh?

Folks who haven't encountered the legal process wouldn't know, but attorneys looking for clients they have never met, go around and ask 'Are you so-and-so?' [or they ask a court officer to point out an attorney]

Mr. Route 44 Toyota sat in a courtroom like a dummy looking straight ahead in excess of an hour and never spoke to anyone.....?

Only the flurry of activity awakened him.....his youthful appearance and unfamiliarity with the process/protocol/etiquette forced a review of his bar admittance ---- 2008. Can't blame a NEWBIE! Maybe it's just poor supervision. A pattern is beginning to emerge! 

Stayed tuned!

Mr. Toyota U.S.A. is NOT to be DISMISSED! [Next Chapter!]

Toyota U.S.A. is like LEECHES! How do you get rid of them?

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