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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Friday, October 11, 2013

Thank you Senator Sanders!

The Wackos go from bad to worse!

Social Security and Medicare are solvent, self-sustaining programs with surpluses that funded Republican Wars fought on the credit card, yet the Republican Extremists want to convince you otherwise.


President Clinton and Vice President Gore left office with budget surpluses into the future and full employment.

The electorate, not content with prosperity, chose to put the War Mongers in office instead.
Welfare for the Wealthy began! The Onion got it right.

The Week in Review:

The government shutdown dragged into a second week. A growing majority of Democrats and about 20 Republicans in the House favor a Senate-passed resolution to reopen the government, but Speaker John Boehner refused to bring the resolution up for a vote. When House Republicans first forced a shutdown on Oct. 1, they were demanding the defunding of Obamacare as part of any deal. That would be a death sentence for thousands of Americans without health insurance, Sen. Bernie Sanders told a Senate hearing on Thursday. As the week wore on, Republicans shifted their rationale for closing the government and defaulting on the country’s debts. Now they demand deep cuts in Social Security and other programs. The whole spectacle drove public approval of Congress, especially Republicans and the Tea Party, to new lows. As Sanders sized up the situation in a Friday floor speech, he began by citing a piece in The Onion. “Psychiatrists Deeply Concerned for 5% of Americans Who Approve of Congress,” the headline said.

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